TM 5-3431-225-15
(2) The welding machine can be loaded
Warning: When using a lifting device to
move the welding machine, make sure that it
has a safe lifting capacity of at least 1,000
pounds. Do not allow the welding machine to
swing freely when being lifted. Failure to ob-
serve this warning may cause damage to the
equipment or serious injury to personnel.
guide will be placed with the equipment in a
waterproof enveloper marked "Depreservation
right side up to the bed of the carrier to prevent
Guide," and fastened in a conspicuous location
shifting while being transported.
on or near the operator's controls.
(2) Prior to placing equipment in operation
5-8. Preparation of
Equipment for
or to the extent necessary for inspection, depres-
ervation of the item will be performed as out-
a. Detailed instuctions for preparation of the
welding machine for limited storage are provided
lined on the depreservation guide.
f. Sealing of Opening. The fan guard open-
storage not to exceed six (6) months, Refer to
ing located in the back panel of the welding ma-
TM 740-90-1 (Administrative Storage of Equip-
chine will be covered with waterproof paper and
sealed with type III, class I, pressure sensitive
b. Every effort should be made to provide
tape conforming to Specification PPP-T-60.
covered storage for the welding machine. If this
is impossible, select a firm, level, well-drained
g. Marking. Will
storage location, protected from prevailing winds.
Position the welding machine on heavy planking.
Cover the welding machine with a tarpaulin or
(1) Disassembly will be limited to the re-
other suitable waterproof covering and secure in
moval of parts and projecting components that
a manner that will provide the welding machine
tend to increase the overall profile of the equip-
maximum protection from the elements.
(2) Disassembled items will be packed with
5-9. Inspection and Maintenance of
the publications in the toolbox if possible. Other-
Equipment in Storage
wise, items will be packed in a suitable container
When the welding machine has
and secured to the equipment to prevent loss or
been placed in storage, all scheduled preventive
maintenance services, including inspection, will
be suspended and preventive maintenance inspec-
tion will be performed as specified herein.
b. Worksheet and Preventive Maintenance.
DA Form 2404 will be executed on the welding
5-7. Loading Equipment for Shipment
machine when the equipment is initially placed
in limited storage, and every 30 days thereafter.
Required maintenance will be performed prompt-
(1) Be sure the packing crate remains right
side up when removing the welding machine to
ly to insure that the welding machine is mechan-
ically sound and ready for immediate use.
the loading site.