TM 5-3431-225-15
plicable five-digit Federal supply code for manu-
facturers in parenthesis. The physical security
elassification of the item is indicated by the par-
enthetical entry. Repair parts quantities included
in kits, sets, and assemblies are shown in front
of the repair part name.
d. Unit of Measure (u/m), Column (4). A
2-character alphabetic abbreviation indicating the
amount or quantity of the item upon which the
allowances are based, e.g., ft, ca, pr, etc.
e. Quanity Incorporated in Unit, Column (5).
This column indicates the quantity of the item
used in the functional group or the assembly
group. A "V" appearing in this column in lieu of
a quantity indicates that a definite quantity can-
not be indicated (e.g., shims, spacers, etc.)
b. Federal Stock Number, Column (2). This
f. Quantity Furnished With Equipment, Col-
column indicates the Federal stock number as-
umn (6). This column indicates the quantity of
signed to the item and will be used for requisi-
an item furnished with the equipment.
tioning purposes.
g. Illustration, Column (7). This column is
c. Description, Column (3). This column in-
divided as follows:
dicates the Federal item name and any additional
description of the item required. The abbrevia-
(1) Figure Number, Column (7) (a). I n -
dicates the figure number of the illustration in
tion "w/e", when used as a part of the nomen-
clature, indicates the Federal stock number in-
which the item is shown.
cludes all armament, equipment, accessories, and
(2) Item, Number, Column (7) (b). I n d i -
cates the callout number used to reference the
repair parts issued with the item. A part number
item in the illustration.
or other reference number is followed by the ap-