g. Adjustments. The three governor adjust-
(1) Press bearing (43) on shaft (45).
ments are the speed adjusting screw (fig. 6-
Insert shaft and bearing in body (50), lay
1) sensitivity pin, and length of governor rod.
on side, brace shaft, and press bearing (44)
In addition, the governor end of the governor
on shaft.
rod should be free to move toward the radiator
to its maximum position without any part of
( 3 ) Insert spacer (40), seal (39) and
the mechanism striking the radiator case.
spacer (38) on shaft (45).
Bend the radiator case slightly if necessary.
(4) Install lever (37) on shaft (45) and
To set the governor adjustments, proceed as
insert pin (26). If removed, install spring
follows :
( 3 6 ) on lever (37). Install pin (35), flat
washer (34), lockwasher (33) and nut (32)
(1) Loosen lock nut on engine side of
on lever (37).
sensitivity pin and turn head of pin clockwise
(5) Install lever (31) on body (50 with
w i t h screwdriver to maximum position.
attaching brushing (25), lockwasher (24) and
Tighten lock nut.
screw (23).
(2) If necessary to change length of gov-
(6) Slide washer (29), and link (27) on
ernor rod, unscrew ball joint of governor rod
p i n (35) and clip on retainer (28). Clip
from either governor or carburetor. Adjust
springs (30) on lever (31) and on link (27).
length of rod by screwing ball joint housing
(7) Attach rocker shaft lever (21) to
along rod until rod just fits between arm on
shaft (45) inside body with two attaching
governor shaft in straight position and throttle
screw and washer assemblies (22).
shaft clamp in maximum clockwise position.
(8) Press bearing and cover assembly
(3) Push idling regulator rod toward car-
(19) on shaft and gear assembly (20).
buretor and pin in full-throttle position with
( 9 ) Press yoke (18), sleeve (17) and
latch pin.
three-piece bearing (15) on shaft and gear as-
sembly (20). Secure with retainer (16).
c i t e r shaft or shine stroboscope light on
(10) Assemble weights (14) to yoke (18)
marked shaft.
and secureby pressing pin (12) through Yoke
(5) Connect welding cables to machine
(18) and clipping on retainers (13).
and clip electrode holder and ground clamp to
piece of scrap metal so that machine is op-
(11) Tilt governor housing back so that
erating under load.
shaft lever (21) is raised and insert shaft and
(6) Loosen lock nut on speed adjusting
weights assembly. Secure shaft and weights
screw (7) and set speed adjusting screw for
assembly with screw (11).
(12) If gasket (10) is damaged, replace
(7) Tighten locking nut.
before attaching governor to gear cover.
(8) Recheck speed setting after welding
f. Installation.
(1) Install governor on gear cover mak-
(9) Thread lock wire through hole in
ing sure gasket (10) is proper seated. Attach
head of adjusting screw and around ear on
governor with screw and lockwasher (9) at
governor. Twist lock wire snugly and cut off
bottom, and governor-to-magneto screw (5)
free ends.
with gasket (6), plate (7), and gasket (8) at
(2) Attach governor-to-carburetor rod
a. Removal and Installation. Refer to para-
(1) by screwing ball joint nut (2) and washer
graph 3-23 to remove and install the fuel tank.
(3) into threaded hole on lever (37).
b. Disassembly.
(3) Operate lever (37) by hand to check
(1) If fuel tank is not empty, attach a
binding of governor parts. If removed, install
flexible fuel line to drain cock (12, fig. 6-2)
name plate (48) with attaching screws (49),
and empty contents of tank into a convenient
and adjusting screw (46) and nut (47). If
screw (46) and nut (47) have been removed,
(2) Remove fuel cap (1) after removing
governor speed adjustment must be readjusted
retaining chain (4) and retaining pin (3).
with engine operating.