(12) Remove two springs (30) from lever
a. Disassembly.
(13) Separate nut (32), lockwasher (33),
flat washer (34), and pin (35).
and install the governor.
( 1 4 ) Separate spring (36) from lever
(2) Remove governor-to-carburetor rod
(37) .
(15) Remove spacer (38), seal (39) and
ball joint (2). Remove lockwasher (3). Nuts
spacer (40) from end of shaft, then strike
(4) are not changed unless change in length
same end of shaft sharply to dislodge welch
of rod is required. If governor is not being re-
plug (41).
moved in normal order disassembly, discon-
(16) Remove retainer (42) and use shaft
nect governor-to-carburetor rod at carburetor
(45) to drive bearings (43) and (44) from
end as well as to governor end.
outer side of housing.
(3) Remove screw (5) together with gas-
( 1 7 ) Screw (46) and nut (47) are set
ket (6), plate (7) and gasket (8).
and sealed at the factory and are not nor-
(4) Remove screw and lockwasher assem-
really removed or readjusted.
bly (9) and carefully disengage governor from
(18) Name plate (48) and attaching
gear cover. Remove gasket (10).
screws (49) need not be removed from body
(5) Remove main shaft and weights as-
(50) for normal cleaning and inspection.
sembly after removing attaching screw (11).
b. Cleaning. Clean all metal parts except
(6) Press out two flyweight pivot pins
bearing (15), bearing cover (19), bearings
(12) after removing retainers (13), then lift
(43 and 44) and seal (39) in solvent and dry
flyweights (14) from yoke.
thoroughly. Wipe dirt and excess grease from
(7) Remove sleeve and bearing assembly
bearings and seal with clean, lint-free cloth.
from shaft and separate three-piece bearing
c. Inspection. Inspect bearings (15, 19, 43
(15) from sleeve (17) after removing retainer
and 44) for wear or scoring. Inspect shaft
(45), pin (12), and shaft and gear (20) for
(8) Pull yoke (18) together with bearing
wear or scoring. Inspection bearing surfaces
and cover assembly (19) from shaft and gear
in weights (14) and yoke (18) for wear and
assembly (20) with suitable puller.
scoring. Inspect rod (1) for straightness and
(9) Lift out rocker shaft lever (21) after
ball joints (2) for looseness and excessive
removing two attaching screw and lockwasher
wear. Do not change length of rod unless nec-
assemblies (22).
(10) Pull speed adjusting and throttle
d . Repair. Straighten rod (1) if bent.
lever assembly from shaft (45) after removing
Tighten ball joints (2) to eliminate excessive
attaching screw (23 ), lockwasher (24), bush-
play. Replace any other parts which do not
ing (25), and pin (26).
pass inspection.
(11) Disengage springs (30) from link
e. Reassembly. To reassemble the governor
(27) and separate link (27) together with
and rod assembly, proceed as follows:
washer (29) after removing retainer (28).