4-1. Preparation of
Equipment for
waterproofed envelope marked "Depreserva-
tion Guide" and attach it to the operator's
a. General. Detailed instructions for the
control panel.
preparation of the arc welding machine for
(2) Prior to placing equipment in opera-
domestic shipment are outlined within this
tion or to the extent necessary for inspection,
paragraph. Preservation will be accomplished
perform depreservation of the item as out-
in sequence that will not require the operation
lined in the depreservation guide.
of previously preserved components.
f. Cooling System, Boxed or Crated. C o m -
b. Inspection. The arc welding machine
pletely drain the cooling system including the
will be inspected for any unusual conditions
radiator and block or other accessories through
such as damage, rusting, accumulation of
which the coolant has circulated. Flush with
water, and pilferage. Inspection of the indi-
clean water. Leave drain cocks open.
vidual components and assemblies will be as
o u t l i n e d on the "Preventive Maintenance
plugs and spray approximately two ounces of
in this manual. All deficiencies and short-
MIL-L-21260, into each cylinder through the
comings will be recorded on DA Form 2404
spark plug hole while rotating the crankshaft.
together with corrective action taken.
Coat the spark plug tips with oil and reinstall.
c. Cleaning and Drying. Remove all con-
taminants from Arc Welder using an ap-
Warning: Engine head temperature must
proved method of cleaning, drying, types of
be less than 1250 F. when preservation is ap-
described in TM 38-280.
d. Painting. Paint all surfaces where the
h. Lubrication System, Boxed or Crated.
Check level of lubricant. Operate the engine at
paint has been removed or damaged. Refer to
fast idle until lubricant has been circulated
TM 9213 for detailed cleaning and painting
e. Depreservation Guide. DA Form 2258
then be drained and the drain plugs rein-
(Depreservation Guide for Vehicles and Equip-
i. Seal all openings (i.e., engine openings,
starter motor, generator electrical) that will
(1) Prepare a depreservation guide form
for each item of equipment following preserva-
permit the direct entry of water, with Class 1
pressure-sensitive tape conforming to PPP-T-
tion. Complete all applicable entries on the
form to reflect the preservation applied and
j. Fuel Tank, Boxed or Crated. Drain fuel
the depreservation instructions required. Use
tank after engine preservation and fog interior
additional spaces on the reverse side of the
with preservation oil, P-10, Grade 2, conform-
form to annotate the preservation applied
ing to Specification MIL-L-21260.
and depreservation applied and depreservation
k. Air Cleaner. Drain the air cleaner air
instructions for components not specifically
seal all openings that permit the direct entry
identified on the form. Place the form in a