TM 1-1500-204-23-8
Do not permit flame to contact welding equipment or
apparatus. Maintain careful control of welding flame
to prevent burns or fire. Keep flame within field of
vision of the welder.
Do not leave torch burning when not in use. Close
torch valve when there is no burning.
Shut off both valves of torch and examine welding tip
for obstructions if flashback occurs. Flashback is
the momentary extinguishing of the welding flame
followed by a rapid re-ignition causing a brief flash
and sharp popping noise. A common cause of this
condition is clogging of the welding tip by inadvertent
contact of the tip with the metal being worked.
Shut off regulator valves immediately if a hose bursts
or escaping gas is ignited.
(2) Gas welding equipment. Gas welding equipment
consists of torches, tanks, gauges, and hoses, as shown
in figure 3-1.
(3) Inspection
maintain gas welding equipment using the following
general procedures:
(a) Clean torches externally with hot water and
dry with a clean cloth. Clean internally by blowing
out from both ends using compressed air.
(b) Tips should be blown out from both ends and
orifice should be cleaned out with appropriate tip reamer
which is furnished.
(c) Clean hose with warm soapy water and
examine for leaks at same time by putting pressure on
(d) Examine regulators frequently for
Electric Arc Welding. Electric arc welding is a
fusion process based on the principle of generating heat
with an electric arc jumping an airgap to complete an
electrical circuit. Various methods are used for electric
arc welding.
Figure 3-1. Gas Welding Equipment.