TM 55-4920-404-30&P
box and disconnecting the four No. 6 gauge wires
connectors and their plastic covers. Unsolder the
from the main cable. Loosen the conduit fitting and
cable wires from the connector pins and remove old
remove four bolts holding the box to the frame. Re-
cable. Install new cable as shown in drawing 4920-
move breaker box and wires as a unit. Install piping
and wires on replacement box. Insert wires thru
nections with an ohmeter and solder new cable to
conduit and bolt breaker box to frame. Secure con-
appropriate pins of the connector. Strip cable wire
duit fitting and apply sealant to fitting. Attach
insulation, install wire tap connectors and re-install
wires to main cable taps according to wiring dia-
No. 6 gauge wires to proper connections. Double
check with an ohmeter that appropriate pin con-
proper phase/pin connections are maintained. Re-
nections and phasing has been accomplished. Install
install cover on weatherproof junction box.
plastic wire tap covers and tape with electricians
(4) Replace circuit breakers by removing
screws securing front panel of circuit breaker box.
Remove front panel and disconnect wires from de-
Proper phase connections must be
fective circuit breaker. Mark each wire with a
maintained. Refer to drawing 4920-
masking tape flag labeling proper connections. Re-
move four screws securing breaker to box and in-
age, malfunction, personnel injury or
stall replacement breaker. Reconnect wires and
death may result from improper wir-
double check connections with an ohmeter. Switch
ing or phasing. Only qualifled person-
circuit breaker "off" before re-installing box cover
nel should attempt electrical repairs.
and screws to insure proper operation of interlock
mechanism. Install shelter cable and check for posi-
(3) Circuit breaker boxes may be replaced by
tive operation of the circuit breaker box.
removing the cover from the weather proof junction
Section V.
Maintain all major
Manuals, which are called out in the reference sec-
TOE items in accordance with applicable Technical
Section VI.
10-5410-224-14 for preventative maintenance.
S-280 Shelter. Refer to TB 750-240 for pre-
ventative maintenance.
Refer to TM
a. Expandable Shelter (SPA M).