(3) If lugs on battery electrical lead must be
b. Removal and
Disassembly. Tag
replaced, unscrew them from adapter and install new
disconnect electrical lead. Disassemble only for repair.
lugs. If adapter must be replaced, solder to wire in
c. Inspection and Repair.
accordance with MIL-S-6872 using solder Type
(1) Inspect electrical lead for damaged or loose
SN60OWRP2 per Fed Spec QQ-S-571.
terminals, damaged wire or insulation.
Reconnect electrical leads in
(2) Repair leads by replacing defective wire and
locations as tagged or utilize termination data in wire run
terminals. S' ire size and approximate length in inches
is provided.
Be certain that bushings and mica washers are correctly
5-32. General
installed on diodes at assembly.
The engine and skid electrical installation consists of the
upper electric power chassis assembly, the lower
(b) Solder connections will be made in
electric power chassis assembly and interconnecting
accordance with MIL-S-6872 using solder Type
wire harness assemblies. There are four wire harness
SN60OWRP2 per Fed Spec QQ-S-571.
assemblies in the installation, the engine skid wire
harness on the lower power chassis, the power wire
(c) Replace defective wires with wire in
harness, and the battery wire harness. The engine wire
accordance with MIL-W-5086, Type II. Wire size and
harness repair instructions are provided in paragraph 3-
2 of this manual. Electrical leads and jumpers are
(d) If self-clinching cable straps are
removed to facilitate repairs, install new cable straps at
5-33. Upper Electric Power Chassis Assembly
a. Removal and Disassembly. Refer to TM 561 11
(2) Replace damaged nut plates and loose or
5-586-12 for instructions regarding removal of the upper
missing rivets on chassis. Repair bent chassis by
electric power chassis assembly and removal of
simple shop repair.
(3) Replace all other parts found to be defective
b. Cleaning, Inspection and Testing. Cleaning,
through inspection or testing. Defective battery charger
inspection, and testing instructions are provided in TM
and voltage regulators shall be replaced and defective
5-6115-586-12. Also refer to figure FO-2 located in
units sent to depot maintenance facilities for repair.
back of manual) for a wire run chart for the engine skid
power unit wire harness as an aid to testing. Test
d. Reassembly and Installation. Refer to TM
diodes on wire harness ICR through CR20) with an
ohmmeter; a serviceable diode will indicate a low
resistance in one direction (forward biased! and a
5-34. Lower Electric Power Chassis Assembly
connections are reversed (reverse bias ). A diode that
indicates an open circuit or near the same resistance in
a. Removal and Disassembly. Refer to TM 56115-
both directions is defective.
586-12 for removal and disassembly instructions.
c. Repair and Replacement.
b. Cleaning, Inspection and Testing. Cleaning,
inspection, and testing instructions are provided in TM
(1) Repair the wire harness assembly as follows:
5-6115-586-12. Also refer to figure 5-47 for a wire run
chart for the engine skid wire harness as an aid to
(a) When replacing diodes, use a pair of
pliers or a clip as a "heat sink" to avoid damage to the
new-diode when soldering it to the wire harness lead.