a. Removal.
disconnect the remote power output wire harness
assembly as follows:
(3) If self-clinching cable straps are removed
(1) Remove lockwire and connectors PII,
to facilitate repairs, install new cable straps at three inch
P74, and P75; then remove nuts, washers and screws
intervals and at all cable breakouts.
from connectors J 1, J74, and J75. Remove wire lead
connections to capacitors (C19, C20, C21, C22, C23,
C24) near J74 and J75.
f. Installation. Install the wire harness assembly in
(2) Remove wire lead connections to terminal
reverse order of removal procedure. After installing
boards (TB4, TB7).
connectors, safety wire in accordance with MS35540
using lockwire MS20995C20.
(3) Disconnect connectors P70 and P76.
Remove the wire harness.
Remote Power
Assembly (13217E4156)