(2) Repair or replace retainers (11, 23, 29,
fig. 3-13) as
follows, if
defects are noted at
described (para a(5) above)
(a) Repair minor surface defects.
(b) Replace retainer if worn or
damaged beyond simple repair or beyond limits shown
(3) Repair or replace retainer nuts (7, 19, 25,
fig. 3-13), if
defects are noted at
inspection as
(a) Repair minor surface defects.
(b) Replace retainer nut if threads are
damaged or if spanner slots are mutilated.
(4) If inspection reveals a damaged stud or
insert, the damaged part shall be replaced as follows:
(a) Remove insert by drilling to a depth
equal to the thickness of the lockring with a drill equal in
diameter to that of the serrations between the lockring
and insert. Then remove the insert with an "easy-out"
(b) Remove stud by milling to a depth
equal to the thickness of the lockring with a hollow mill
equal in outside diameter to that of the root diameter of
the outer serrations less 0.0156 inch, then unthread the
(5) Replace shaft (18) if gear is damaged or
excessively worn. If the oil scavenge pump (16) is
defective, replace the oil scavenge pump.
(6) Replace all packing.
(7) Replace common hardware and fittings if
threads are stripped or damaged.
3-13. Reassembly
a. Install seal rotor, a
part of
seal (30, fig. 3-13)
onto gearshaft with chamfer next to bearing. Coat seal
seating bore of retainer (29) with one coat of red Enamel
(Glyptal No. 1201) and allow to dry. Using Arbor press
and Fixture, press seal (30) into retainer (29). Install
Figure 3-15. Inspection of seat.
key (26) into gearshaft and install retainer nut (25).
(8) Inspect housing for loose, worn, or
Using Adapter, tighten retainer nut to 145 to 155 inch-
pounds, bend key (26) into retainer nut slot. Install
(9) Visually inspect assembled housing and
retainer (29) with seal into housing assembly (33) and
gears for evidence of cracked housing, excessively worn
secure with screws (27) and washers (28). Tighten
screws (27) to 40 to 60 inch-pounds.
parts. If any of these defects are noted, the dual pad
b. Install seal rotor, a part of seal (24), onto
accessory drive assembly must be overhauled at depot
gearshaft with chamfer next to bearing. Coat seal
seating bore of retainer (23) with one coat of red Enamel
b. Repair and Replacement.
(Glyptal No. 1201) and allow to dry. Using arbor press
and fixture, press seal (24) into retainer (23). Install key
defects are noted at inspection, as follows:
(20) on gearshaft and install retainer nut (19). Tighten
(a) Remove obstructions from oil tube
retainer nut (19) to 145 to 155 inch-pounds, bend key
and restrictor by passing a length of 0.030 inch diameter
into retainer nut slot. Install retainer (23) with seal (24)
piano wire through restrictor opening and blowing out
into housing assembly (33) and secure with screws (21)
with compressed air.
and washers (22). Tighten screws (21) to 40 to 60 inch-
(b) Repair brazed joining of restrictor in
oil tube or oil tube to body in accordance with
established shop practices.
(c) Replace oil jet if threads are
damaged or if oil tube is dented or collapsed, or if
restrictor hole is damaged or enlarged. Restrictor hole
shall be 0.035 to 0.040 inch diameter.