Travel speed will determine, to a great extent, the size of the bead
deposited. The work piece thickness, in turn, will determine the rate
of travel, bead size, and the current required to make the weld. Too
high a current will melt through the plate.
Cleanliness of Material
It is essential that aluminum be welded only when clean. To insure
porosity-free welds, a cleaning operation should immediately precede
the welding operation. Several organic solvents are now on the market
for this purpose, or the work may be brushed with a stainless steel
Wire Cleanliness
Wire should be clean and free from oxide, grease, and other foreign
material. Do not try to use wire that is not clean. Wire which is
not in use should be kept in a container which will protect it from
all forms of foreign material.
High Frequency Precautions
The control monitor should never be connected to a welder at the same
time the welder is being used on high frequency as the motor will burn-
out instantly. Neither the ground clamp nor the electrode lead should
ever connect to a welder which is supplying welding current and high
frequency to a tungsten arc torch or any other process requiring high
frequency. Evidence of failure due to high frequency automatically
voids the warranty on this equipment.
Operating Maintenance
As the gun is used, some spatter will collect on the end of the guide tube
and inside the nozzle. This can easily be removed by a screwdriver, knife,
or other similar instrument. Spatter which may collect inside the gun
barrel should be removed occasionally to prevent a short between the nozzle
and guide tube. Shorts as described above are apt to cause the nozzle to
burn up when accidentally touched to the work piece.
If the guide tube should become bent, replace with a new guide tube. Should
a burn-back occur, do not try to inch the wire, since this may blow the fuse
in the motor circuit. In the event of a burn-back, loosen the knurled knob
which holds the guide tube and press the inch switch to push the guide tube
and wire out of the gun. Cut off the wire about an eighth of an inch from