d. Reassembly. Refer
to figure 6-19 and reas-
(2) Inspect for breaks, cracks, corrosion, or
semble the remote output rheostat and cable as-
other damage.
(3) Replace defective parts as necessary.
c. Test.
6-22. Foot Switch and Output Control As-
sembly, Model 2100H2007
(1) Connect an ohmmeter to the two outer
terminals of the rheostat and set the meter on RX1
ble the foot switch and output control assembly.
scale. The reading should be 6.2 ohms. If reading
is more or less than 6.2 ohms, replace the rheostat.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(2) Connect an ohmmeter to the center termi-
(1) Clean all metallic parts with an approved
nal and either outside terminal of the rheostat. Set
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly. Clean the re-
mote output control rheostat and the switch with
the meter on RX1 scale, Turn the rheostat in ei-
a clean, dry cloth.
ther direction until it stops, then turn it in the
opposite direction slowly and evenly until it stops
(2) Inspect for breaks, cracks, corrosion,
again. The indicator on the meter should increase
burned or pitted contacts, or other damage.
or decrease evenly according to the speed at which
(3) Replace defective parts as necessary,
the rheostat is turned. If meter indicator does not
c. Test.
function as described, replace the rheostat.
(1) Connect an ohmmeter to the two outer
Note. Make sure that the ohmmeter used for the
terminals of the rheostat and set the meter on the
above tests is in proper working condition.