c. Cleaning and Inspection.
the six control relays.
(1) Clean all parts with a clean, dry cloth.
(2) Inspect for bare, broken, or corroded
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
wires, defective insulation, evidence of overheat-
(1) Clean We control relays with a clean, dry
ing, or other damage.
(3) Replace defective parts as necessary.
(2) Inspect for breaks, cracks, burned or
d. Test.
broken contacts, damaged or corroded terminals,
or other damage.
(1) Connect an ohmmeter to the coil leads
(3) Replace a defective control relay as neces-
(2) Connect a megohmeter to the coils and
check the insulation breakdown.
c. Installation.
e. Reassembly.
ble the saturable reactor assembly.
the six control relays.
f. Installation.
(1) Refer to figure 6-16 and install the sa-
turable reactor assembly.
6-16. Relay
Panel Terminal Board
a. Removal.
a. Removal.
the relay panel terminal board.