b. Voltage Change Bar Positioning.
(17) The spark gaps should be set at the
lowest gap possible for good welding operation.
(1) Remove the screw attaching the connec-
(Not over 0.006". )
tion access shroud and remove the connection
(18) In some cases it may be necessary to
shield the electrode cable with copper braid and
ground this shield to the equipment case.
and 16, and place voltage change terminal con-
(19) If the installation has been so the above
necting links in the desired position.
questions can be answered in the affirmative, the
Do not reposition voltage change
equipment may reasonably be expected to meet the
terminal connecting links while power source is
radiation limits set by the Federal Communica-
connected to the machine. To do so could cause a
tions Commission.
serious electrical shock and possible death.
2-4. Equipment Conversion
3) Voltage change terminal connecting links
must be positioned for the same voltage on both
a. General. The welding machine can operate on
the main terminal board and the control trans-
208, 230, or 460 volts by the correct positioning of
the voltage change terminal connecting lines.
Section Il. MOVEMENT
of an overhead crane, press in the "slugs" for
25. Dismantling for Movement
lanced lifting holes located in the corner posts.
a. Disconnect load connections, external power
When using a lifting device to
and ground connections and gas and water connec-
move the welding machine make sure that it has a
safe lifting capacity of at least 1,000 pounds. Do
not allow the welding machine to swing freely
b. If the welding machine is to be moved within
when being lifted. Failure to observe this warning
a building it can be skidded or moved with a fork-
may cause damage to the equipment or serious
lift. If the welding machine is to be moved other
injury to personnel.
than for a short distance, cover the water and gas
connecting fittings and load it on a truck or other
2-6. Reinstallation After Movement
conveyance with a suitable lifting device.
c. If it is desired to move the welder by means
28. Controls and Instruments
This section describes, locates, illustrates and
The purpose of the controls and instruments
furnishes the operator, crew, or organizational
and the normal and maximum reading of the in-
maintenance personnel sufficient information
about the various controls and instruments for
proper operation of the welding machine.