TM 5-3431-208-20P
plicable to the number of items supported to ob-
(3) Recoverability code indicates whether
tain the total quantity of repair parts authorized.
unserviceable items should be returned for recov-
( 3 ) Organizational units providing mainte-
ery or salvage, Items not coded are expendable.
n a n c e for more than 100 of these equipments
Recoverability codes are:
s h a l l determine the total quantity of parts re-
q u i r e d by converting the equipment quantity to
a decimal factor by placing a decimal point be-
fore the next to last digit of the number to indi-
c a t e hundredths, and multiplying the decimal
f a c t o r by the parts quantity authorized in the
5 1 - 1 0 0 allowance column. E x a m p l e , authorized
allowance for 51-100 equipments is 40; for 150
equipments multiply 40 by 1.50 or 60 parts re-
( 6 ) Subsequent changes to allowances will
be limited as follows: No change in the range of
items is authorized. If additional items are con-
(4) This column also lists, below the SMR
sidered necessary, recommendation should be
code, an index number for each item in ascend-
forwarded to U.S. Army Mobility Equipment
ing numerical sequence, which is used to locate
Command for exception or revision to the allow-
items in the publication when the Federal stock
ance list. Revisions to the range of items author-
number and/or reference number is known.
ized will be made by this Command based upon
b . Federal Stock Number. This column indi-
engineering experience, demand data, or TAERS
c a t e s the Federal stock number for the item.
c. Description. This column indicates the Fed-
g. Illustration, Column (7). This column is di-
e r a l item name and any additional description
vided as follows:
o f the item required. A part number or other
(1) Figure number, column (7) (a). I n d i -
r e f e r e n c e number is followed by the applicable
c a t e s the figure number of the illustration in
five-digit Federal supply code for manufacturers
which the item is shown.
i n parenthesis. Material required for manufac-
(2) Item number, column (7) (b). I n d i c a t e s
ture or fabrication is identified.
t h e callout number used to reference the item
d. Unit of Issue. This column indicates the
in the illustration.
unit used as a basis for issue, e.g., ea, pr, ft, yd,
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. This column
a. Repair parts mortality has been based on
i n d i c a t e s the quantity of the item used in the
1,000 hours of operation per year.
functional group.
b. Parts which require manufacture or assem-
f. Fifteen-Day Organizational Maintenance
b l y at a category higher than that authorized
A l l o w a n c e , Column 3 of Section II and Column
for installation will indicate in the source column
(6) of Section III and IV.
the higher category.
(1) The allowance columns are divided into
c. The following publication pertains to the
f o u r subcolumns. Indicated in each subcolumn
welding set and its components:
the quantity of items authorized for the number
o f equipments supported. Items authorized for
u s e as required but not for initial stockage are
identified with an asterisk in the allowance col-
( 2 ) The quantitative allowances for organi-
zational level of maintenance represents one ini-
5. How to
Locate Repair Parts
t i a l prescribed load for a 15-day period for the
a. W h e n F e d e r a l s t o c k n u m b e r o r r e f e r e n c e
n u m b e r of equipments supported. Units and or-
number is unknown:
ganizations authorized additional prescribed
l o a d s will multiply the number of prescribed
(1) First. Using the table of contents, de-
t e r m i n e the functional group within which the
l o a d s authorized by the quantity of repair parts
repair part belongs.
r e f l e c t e d in the appropriate density column ap-