TM 5-3431-208-20P
1. Scope
This manual lists repair parts required for the
performance of organizational maintenance of
the welding set.
2. GeneraI
a. T h e R e p a i r P a r t s L i s t i s a r r a n g e d a s f o l -
(1) Individual parts and major assemblies
are listed alphabetically by item name within the
numbered functional groups.
(2) Assembly components and subassemblies
are indented and listed alphabetically by item
name under major assemblies.
b. T h i s R e p a i r P a r t s a n d S p e c i a l T o o l s L i s t
is divided into the following sections:
(1) P r e s c r i b e d L o a d A l l o w a n c e ( P L A ) -
quantitatively allocated for initial stockage at
the organizational level. This is a, mandatory
stockage allowance.
(2} Special Tools, Test and Support Equip-
m e n t - S e c t i o n I I I . A list of special tools, test
and support equipment authorized for the per-
formance of maintenance at the organizational
pair parts authorized for the performance of
maintenance at the organizational level.
(4) F e d e r a l S t o c k N u m b e r a n d R e f e r e n c e
numbers followed by reference numbers in as-
cending alpha-numeric sequence, cross-reference
to index number.
3. Explanation of Columns
The following provides an explanation of columns
(2) Maintenance code indicates the lowest
in the tabular lists in Sections II, III, and IV:
a. Source, Maintenance and Recoverability
category of maintenance authorized to install the
Codes (SMR):
listed item. The maintenance level code is:
(1) S o u r c e c o d e , i n d i c a t e s t h e s e l e c t i o n
status and source for the listed item. Source codes