e. Adjustment. Adjust the flame detector
the switches and lift off the cover (26). Re-
switch as follows:
move switches and packing.
(1) Back off the adjusting screw until
(19) Remove terminal board (33) by re-
the switch clicks.
moving screws (34).
(2) Turn the adjusting screw in slowly
(20) To remove the housing (43), remove
until the switch clicks, then turn the screw
the screws (44) from the seam and spread the
housing so that it will clear the exhaust tube
f. Reassembly. To reassemble, reverse dis-
and coolant fittings, Avoid spreading the hous-
assembly procedure.
ing so far as to cause permanent distortion of
g. Installation. Install heater in accordance
its shape.
(17) Disconnect wire from control (29)
and note its position for reassembly.
6-20. Heater Blower Assembly
(18) Remove nut (27) from stud between
the switches and lift off the cover (26). Re-
a. Removal. Remove blower assembly in ac-
move switches and packing.
(19) Remove terminal board (33) by re-
b. Disassembly.
moving screws (34).
(1) Remove screws (1) and nut (2) from
(20) To remove the housing (43), remove
the flange of the blower.
the screws (44) from the seam and spread
(2) Lift off the blower cover (3) and
the housing so that it will clear the exhaust
loosen the setscrew in the hub of the blower
tube and coolant fittings. Avoid spreading the
fan (4), Lift the fan off the motor shaft.
housing so far as to cause permanent distor-
(3) Remove the screws (5) which attach
tion of its shape.
the blower housing (6) to the bell end of the
c. Cleaning. Scrape as much carbon out of
motor (7). Lift the motor off, being careful
the igniter pocket as possible, using a sharp
not to lose the screws (5) and spacers (8).
tool, and blow out with compressed air. Re-
(4) Do not attempt to disassemble or
lubricate the motor as it is packed with spe-
by soaking it in a 20% (by weight) solution
cial low-temperature lubricant.
of ammonium acetate at a temperature of
c. Cleaning. Wash the two halves of the
1 8 00 F. for a period of 5 to 10 hours. Drain
blower housing and the fan in dry cleaning
and rinse the burner thoroughly after soaking,
solvent and dry with compressed air. Wipe the
then dry with compressed air.
motor off with a solvent-dampened cloth.
d. Repair. Replace igniter at
each over-
d. Repair. Replace the entire motor if it is
haul. Replace fuel inlet screen on the fuel valve.
found to be defective.
Replace standpipe if evidence of corrosion or
e. Reassembly.
damage is found.