b. Cleaning. Wipe grease, dirt and dust
(2) Remove top panel (5) by removing
from panels and doors with solvent-dampened
screws (6) and nut (7).
cloth. Wipe oil drip pan, shutter assemblies
(3) Remove exhaust hose (69) by remov-
and shell assemblies with solvent-dampened
ing clamps (70 and 71) metal tube (72) and
cloth. If particularly dirty, clean enclosure and
elbow (74).
frame with live steam and solvent before wip-
(4) Remove rain cap (65) by removing
ing with cloths.
screw (66), nut (67) and cotter pin (68).
(5) Remove radiator hose (75) by remov-
c. Inspection. inspect doors, panels, frames,
ing clamps (76).
brackets and shell assemblies for breaks, dents,
(6) Remove control panel (30), then re-
cracks, or damaged paint. Make sure shutters
open freely and close securely. Make sure doors
move cover (28) by removing screws (29).
close securely and latches operate properly. In-
Remove ground cable (31) from panel.
spect lifting frame for broken or cracked welds
(7) Remove right hand center panel (33)
and stretched or broken attaching screw holes
and left hand center panel (32) by removing
and lifting eye.
screws (34) and nut (35).
d. Repair. Straighten bent doors and panels
(8) Remove door jam (36) by removing
and weld members. Replace defective door
screws (37) and nut (38).
latches. Replace defective shutter assemblies
(9) Remove shell (96) by removing screw
as a unit. Repair small leaks in radiator with
(97) and nut (98), then remove door (99) by
solder. Do not permit solder to flow into radi-
removing screw (100) and nut (101).
ator core. If radiator is excessively damaged,
(10) Remove radiator (81) by removing
corroded, or clogged, replace. Replace cap and
screw (82). Remove cap (80).
drain cock if damaged or defective. Replace bat-
(11) Remove shroud (77) by removing
teries which do not pass inspection with fully
screw (78).
charged batteries known to be in good condi-
(12) Remove bracket (18) by removing
tion. Replace defective hold-down hardware.
screw (19), washer (20) and nut (21).
e. Reassembly. Reassemble in reverse order
(13) Remove brackets (25 and 26) after
of disassembly.
removing fuel tank (15) and brackets (16 and
6-18. Battery Box (Models LEB 300 and
(14) Remove remote control box (10) then
remove cover (11) by removing screws (12)
and washer (13).
a. Removal and Disassembly.
( 1 5 ) Remove hose (24) and hose (22)
(1) Remove lid (1) by unsnapping latch,
from bracket (27) by removing clamps (23).
then remove board (2) by removing screw (3).
(16) Remove rear shell (58) by removing
(2) Remove leads (7, 8 and 9) from bat-
screw (59) and nut (60).
tery (4), then remove terminals (5 and 6).
(17) Remove panel (39) from shell (58)
Remove battery.
by removing screw (40) and nut (41).
(3) Remove pin (10), valve (11) and gas-
(18) Remove shutter arm (46) by remov-
ket (12) from box (37).
ing screw (53), nut (54), spring (48), screw
(4) Remove shield (13), heating element
(47) and nut (49).
(14) and insulation boards (15 and 16).
(19) Remove link (50) by removing screw
(5) Remove bracket (17) by removing
(51) and nut (52).
screw (18), washer (19) and nut (20).
(20) Remove bracket (55) by removing
(6) Remove thermostat (21) and switch
screw (56) and nut (57).
(26) by removing screws (22 and 27), spacers
(21) Remove connector (42) by remov-
(23 and 28), washers (24 and 29) and nuts
ing screw (43) and nut (44).
(25 and 30).
(22) Remove heater strap (62) by remov-
(7) Remove board (31) from mount (34)
ing screw (63) and washer (64).
by removing screw (32) and nut (33). Remove
(23) Remove drip rail (8) from top panel
mount (34) by removing screw (35).
(5) by removing screw (9).
(8) Remove door (36) from box (37).
(24) Remove drip pans (61 and 102) from
b. Cleaning. Clean the
batteries with a
skid (2).