Section I. INTRODUCTIONExplanation of Repair Parts and Tool ListsQuantity Incorporated in UnitDepot Maintenance, 5th EchelonFederal Stock Numbers and Manufacturers' Part NumbersSECTION II. REPAIR PARTS LISTSECTION II. REPAIR PARTS LIST - ContinuedSECTION II. REPAIR PARTS LIST - ContinuedFigure 1. Engine Block, Cylinder Head, and CamshaftFigure 1. Engine Block, Cylinder Head, and Camshaft - ContinuedFigure 1. Engine Block, Cylinder Head, and Camshaft - ContinuedFigure 2. Piston and CrankshaftFigure 2. Piston and Crankshaft - ContinuedFigure 2. Piston and Crankshaft - ContinuedFigure 2. Piston and Crankshaft - ContinuedFigure 2. Piston and Crankshaft - ContinuedFigure 2. Piston and Crankshaft - ContinuedFigure 2. Piston and Crankshaft - ContinuedFigure 2. Piston and Crankshaft - ContinuedFigure 3. Oil PumpFigure 4. Oil PanFigure 4. Oil Pan - ContinuedFigure 5. Oil Filter.Figure 5. Oil Filter. - ContinuedFigure 6. Engine Oil Gage and Drain PipeFigure 6. Engine Oil Gage and Drain Pipe - ContinuedFigure 6. Engine Oil Gage and Drain Pipe - ContinuedFigure 7. ManifoldsFigure 7. Manifolds - ContinuedFigure 7. Manifolds - ContinuedFigure 8. Air CleanerFigure 8. Air Cleaner - ContinuedFigure 9. Fuel System for Symbol (A)Figure 9. Fuel System for Symbol (A) - ContinuedFigure 9. Fuel System for Symbol (A) - ContinuedFigure 11. GovernorFigure 11. Governor - ContinuedFigure 12. Fuel Tank and Control for Symbol (B).Figure 12. Fuel Tank and Control for Symbol (B). - ContinuedFigure 14. Radiator for Symbol (A).GROUP 04 - EXHAUST SYSTEMFigure 15. Radiator for Symbol (B).Figure 15. Radiator for Symbol (B). - ContinuedFigure 16. Water Pump, Fan, and ThermostatFigure 16. Water Pump, Fan, and Thermostat - ContinuedFigure 16. Water Pump, Fan, and Thermostat - ContinuedFigure 17. Engine Generator.Figure 17. Engine Generator. - ContinuedFigure 17. Engine Generator. - ContinuedFigure 18. Starter MotorFigure 18. Starter Motor - ContinuedFigure 18. Starter Motor - ContinuedFigure 18. Starter Motor - ContinuedFigure 19. DistributorFigure 19. Distributor - ContinuedFigure 19. Distributor - ContinuedFigure 20. Coil, Regulator, and Generator.Figure 21. Starter, Battery, and Distributor.Figure 21. Starter, Battery, and Distributor. - ContinuedFigure 21. Starter, Battery, and Distributor. - ContinuedFigure 21. Starter, Battery, and Distributor. - ContinuedFigure 21. Starter, Battery, and Distributor. - ContinuedFigure 22. Skid Frame, Panels, and Door for Symbol (A)Figure 22. Skid Frame, Panels, and Door for Symbol (A) - ContinuedFigure 23. Skid Frame, Side Panels, and Canopy for Symbol (B)Figure 23. Skid Frame, Side Panels, and Canopy for Symbol (B) - ContinuedFigure 23. Skid Frame, Side Panels, and Canopy for Symbol (B) - ContinuedFigure 24. ArrmatureFigure 24. Arrmature - ContinuedFigure 25. Stator and HousingFigure 25. Stator and Housing - ContinuedFigure 26. Exciter HousingFigure 26. Exciter Housing - CoontinuedFigure 28. Generator Brush Holder.Figure 28. Generator Brush Holder. - ContinuedFigure 29. Coupling, Flywheel, and HousingFigure 29. Coupling, Flywheel, and Housing - ContinuedFigure 30. Control Panel.Figure 30. Control Panel. - ContinuedFigure 30. Control Panel. - ContinuedFigure 31. Shunt and Coil.Figure 31. Shunt and Coil. - ContinuedFigure 32. Auxiliary Control PanelFigure 34. Connecting Device (2)Figure 34. Connecting Device (2) - ContinuedFigure 35. Switching and Speed Controls.Figure 35. Switching and Speed Controls. - ContinuedFigure 35. Switching and Speed Controls. - ContinuedFigure 36. Multirange Switch.Figure 36. Multirange Switch. - ContinuedFigure 38. Radio Inteference SuppresionFigure 38. Radio Inteference Suppresion - ContinuedFigure 38. Radio Inteference Suppresion - ContinuedFEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEXFEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedFEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedFEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedFEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedFEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedFEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX - Continued