Fractions derived from the use of the
number. This number will be used for
requisitioning purposes when no Fed-
above formula will be rounded to whole
numbers as follows:
eral stock number is indicated in the
Federal stock number column.
If the result is 1 or more and includes
Example: (08645) 86453.
a fraction that is 0.5 or more, the quan-
tity is rounded to the next higher num-
(3) Repair part quantities included in
kits, sets, and assemblies, that differ
Example: If the number of equipment
from the actual quantity used in this
supported is 30 and the allowance fac-
specific end item, are listed in paren-
tor for 100 equipments is 5, the follow-
ing formula would be used:
(4) When repair parts are source coded
30 X 5 100 = 1.5
"C," the manufacturer's part number
The resulting fraction is 1.5; there-
will be used for local procurement.
fore, the stockage is 2.
If the result is 1 or more and includes
d. Unit of Issue. If no abbreviation is shown
a fraction of less than 0.5, the quan-
in this column, the unit of issue is "each".
tity reverts to the next lower num-
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. The actual
ber. When the computed result is less
number of parts used in the application indi-
than 0.5, no quantity is authorized.
cated is shown in this column. A zero (0) is
However, if the item is combat essen-
shown when components of kits or sets are
tial, a quantity of 1 is authorized.
listed that are not applicable to this specific
Example: If the number of equipment
end item.
supported is 30 and the allowance fac-
tor for 100 equipments is 28, the fol-
f. Guide Quantity Per 100 Equipments.
lowing formula would be used:
Shown for each repair part applicable to 3d, 4th,
30 X 28 100 = 8.4
and/or 5th echelon maintenance is either an
allowance factor or an asterisk allocation which
The resulting fraction is less than 0.5;
indicates the following:
therefore, the stockage is 8.
(3) In the guide quantity columns for
(1) A guide quantity factor is shown for
field maintenance, additional repair
each part authorized to be stocked by
parts which may be required to per-
field maintenance and supply support
form maintenance, but not authorized
activities (3d and 4th echelons), and
for stockage, are listed without a
the number of repair parts recom-
guide quantity factor. These items are
mended for depot maintenance (5th
identified by an asterisk and are to be
echelon). This factor is based on the
requisitioned for immediate use only.
latest mortality data for 1,500 hours
operation per year and is the average
(4) Parts that may be required for depot
quantity required by the various main-
maintenance, in addition to those al-
tenance echelons to provide mainte-
located, are identified by an asterisk.
nance and supply support for 100 items
These parts are to be requisitioned,
of equipment for a 15-day period un-
when required, if not obtainable from
der average combat conditions.
reclamation, fabrication, or local pro-
(2) The quantities of repair parts author-
ized for stockage are determined by
(5) Combat essential items of a critical
using the following mathematical for-
nature which must be stocked at field
maintenance at all times, regardless of
demand will be identified in the allow-
Quantity of equipment to be sup-
ance column by inclosing the allowance
ported, multiplied by the listed al-
factor in parentheses. Parts author-
lowance factor, divided by 100.