d. Place the assembled unit on the side of the
7. General. The
"stub-saver" collet type holder
holder, as shown, and apply the clamps at the
is converted using items listed in table 1 and
collet end and front of the handle.
applying them to the holder as shown in figure 2.
Note. After aligning the tube in the desired position, the
8. Fabrication Procedure. Fabricate the air hose
clamp at the collet end must be loosened to insert and
parts and assemble them to the holder as follows:
secure the electrode in the collet. This clamp must be
a. Braze the copper tubing to the unthreaded
loosened each time the electrode is changed.
end of the drain cock. Place the cock on the holder
e. Using the electrical tape, tape the air hose to
in the approximate position shown in figure 2 and
the rear of the handle. Since the rear portion of
bend the tube so it will lie on the collet end of the
the handle of the holder must be twisted to remove
holder. Do not bend the tube sharply enough to
the electrode, it is suggested that the taping here
restrict air flow.
should not be excessive as it must be removed and
b. Cut off the tube so it will protrude approxi-
replaced each time an electrode is changed.
mately inch beyond the face of the collet end of
j. Tape the cock to the front of the handle using
the holder.
sufficient tape to cover the clamp and other metal
parts of the attachment to preclude electrical
c. Attach the air hose to the cook using the
shock to the opera tor.
appropriate fittings.
Figure 2. Collet type electrode holder-converted.