Catalyst 501A, Dow Corning Corp., Midland, Michigan,
or equivalent).
b. Disassembly.
After inspection and testing,
disassemble the wire harness only as required for repair
(4) If self-clinching cable straps are removed
or replacement.
to facilitate repairs, install new cable straps at five inch
intervals and all cable breakouts.
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
f. Installation. Install the wire harness assembly
in reverse order of removal procedure. After installing
(1) Clean wire harness with a clean, lint-free
connectors, safety wire in accordance with' MS33540
cloth moistened with approved solvent and dry
using lockwire MS20995C20.
(2) Inspect for damaged or loose connector
5-3. Power Plant DC Power Branched Wire Harness
pins, terminals, and terminal board studs. Check for any
Assembly 113217E4153)
evidence of burned areas indicating shorts. Inspect
wiring for damaged insulation and loose connections.
a. Removal.
Inspect connectors for damaged or stripped threads.
disconnect the power plant DC power branched wire
harness assembly as follows:
d. Testing.
Refer to
the wire run chart in
figure 5-1
(1) Remove the terminal board cover from
terminal board (TB4) and remove the wire harness
electrical leads from the terminal board studs.
e. Repair. Replacement and Reassembly.
(2) Remove lockwire and disconnect P52 and
P106, then remove connectors J52 and J106 from the
(1) Solder connections will be made in
inboard wall of the battery access and storage
accordance with MIL-S-6872 using solder type
compartment by removing four nuts and screws and
SN60OWRP2 per Fed Spec QQ-S-571.
eight washers from each connector.
(2) Replace defective wires with wire in
(3) Remove lockwires and disconnect the
accordance with MIL-W-5086, Type II. Wire size and
three remaining wire harness connectors. Disconnect
approximate length in inches is provided in figure 5-1.
the leads to the air intake door switch (S4).
(3) If replacement of connector J38 is
(4) Remove the four cable clamps, noting the
necessary, remove potting compound and unsolder
position of the clamps and routing of the wire harness.
(5) Remove the wire harness.
replacement connector. Fill connector backshell with
silicone rubber sealing compound (501 RTV and