(3) Aim extinguisher nozzle at base of flames
bottom lever, invert extinguisher and press top
handle until extinguisher is empty. Unscrew valve
and press down the top handle.
assembly and remove from cylinder.
(4) For general fires or burning liquids,
discharge chemical at base of flame with a sweeping
(3) The cylinder is non-refillable. When
cylinder is empty, remove valve head from old
motion while advancing.
(5) For electrical fires, turn off current if
cylinder by unscrewing and screw valve head onto
possible. Aim stream directly into burning part.
new cylinder.
c. Maintenance.
(4) Apply air pressure or nitrogen pressure to
(1) Observe pressure indicator at bottom of
valve through opening, holding down on handle, to
shell: if pointer is in open area, extinguisher is
remove any powder remaining in valve.
ready for service and needs no further checking.
(5) Reseal lever with new paper seal.
This inspection should be made every 30 days, at
( 6 ) Attach tag stating data and name of
person replacing extinguisher shell.
( 2 ) If pointer is under the red band, pull
2-5. Operation Under Unusual Conditions
Extreme cold and heat, dusty or sandy areas, salt
a. Welding Machine. Refer to TM 5-3431-221-
water or high humidity areas and other unusual
b. Trailer Chassis. S e e T M 9 - 2 3 3 0 - 2 0 2 - 1 4 P .
c o n d i t i o n s require special care and additional
c. Trailer Body and Tools. N o s p e c i a l i n -
maintenance to prevent damage to equipment and
to insure unfailing operation.
structions are necessary other than keeping tools
and trailer as free from dirt, moisture, and other
foreign matter as possible.