some of these repair parts may be listed for automatic
return to supply for depot level repair as set forth in
AR 710-50. When so listed, they will be replaced by supply
on an exchange basis.
Repair parts and assembIies which are economically reparable
at DSU and GSU activities and which normally are furnished
by supply on an exchange basis. When items are determined
by a GSU to be uneconomically reparable they will be evacuated
to a depot for evaluation and analysis before final disposition.
High dollar value recoverable repair parts which are subject to
speciaI handling and are issued on an exchange basis. Such
repair parts are normally repaired or overhauled at depot
maintenance activities.
Repair parts specifically selected for salvage by reclamation
units because of precious metal content, critical materials,
or high dollar value reusable casings or castings.
FederaI Stock Number. This column indicates the Federal stock
number assigned to the item and will be used for requisitioning
c. Description. This column indicates the Federal item name and
any additional description of the item required. The abbreviation
"w/e", when used as a part of the nomenclature, indicates the Federal
stock number includes all armament, equipment, accessories, and
repair parts issued with the item. A part number or other reference
number is followed by the applicable five-digit Federal suppIy code
for manufacturers in parenthesis. Repair parts quantities included
in kits, sets, and assemblies are shown in front of the repair part
A 2 character alphabetic abbreviation
Unit of Measure (U/M).
indicating the amount or quantity of the item upon which the allow-
ances are based, e.g., ft, ea, pr, etc.
Quantity Incorporated in Unit. This column indicates the
quantity of the item used in the assembly group. A "V" appearing
in this column in lieu of a quantity indicates that a definite
quantity cannot be indicated (e.g., shims, spacers, etc.).
Quantity Furnished With Equipment. This column indicates
the quantity of an item furnished with the equipment.