Assemblies which are not procured or stocked as such,
but are made up of two or more units. Such component
units carry individual stock numbers and descriptions,
are procured and stocked separately and can be assembled
to form the required assembly at indicated maintenance
Parts and assemblies which are not procured or stocked
and the mortality of which normally is below that of
the applicable end item or component. The failure of
such part or assembly should result in retirement of
the end item from the supply system.
Repair parts which are not procured or stocked. The
requirement of such items will be filled by use of the
next higher assembly or component.
Repair parts which are not stocked. The indicated
maintenance category requiring such repair parts will
attempt to obtain them through cannibalization. Where
such repair parts are not obtainable through canni-
balization, requirements will be requisitioned, with
Major assemblies that are procured with PEMA funds for
initial issue only as exchange assemblies at DSU and GSU
level. These assemblies will not be stocked above GS
and DS level or returned to depot supply levels.
(2) Maintenance code, indicates the lowest category of maintenance
authorized to install the listed item. The maintenance level code is:
(3) Recoverability code, indicates whether unserviceable items
should be returned for recovery or salvage.
Items not coded are ex-
Recoverability codes are:
Applied to repair parts (assemblies and components) which are
considered economically repairable at direct and general
support maintenance levels. When the maintenance capability
to repair these items does not exist, they are normally dis-
posed of at the GS level. When supply considerations dictate,