This manual lists repair parts, special tools, test
a n d support equipment required for the perform-
ance of organizational and direct support mainte-
nance of the welding set.
This Repair Parts and Special Tools List is divided
into the following sections:
A composite listing of repair parts, special tools,
t e s t and support equipment having quantitative
allowances for initial stockage at the organizational
b. Repair Parts - Section III. A list of repair parts
authorized for the performance of maintenance at
the organizational level in figure and item number
c . Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment-
Section IV. (Not Applicable).
d. Repair Parts - Section V. A list of repair parts
authorized for the performance of maintenance at
the direct support level in figure and item number
(2) Maintenance code indicates the lowest cate-
e. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment -
gory of maintenance authorized to install the listed
Section VI. (Not Applicable).
item. The maintenance codes are:
f. Federal Stock Number
Index - Section VII. A list of Federal stock numbers
in ascending numerical sequence, followed by a list
of reference numbers appearing in all of the listings
(3) Recoverability code indicates whether unserv-
in alpha-numeric sequence, cross-referenced to the
iceable items should be returned for recory or sal-
illustration figure number and item number.
vage. Items not coded are expendable. Recoverability
codes are:
3. Explanation of Columns
The following provides an explanation of columns in
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability Codes
(1) Source code indicates the selection status
and source for the listed item. Source codes used are: