TM 5-3431225-15
Section I.
crepancies and recommendations for improving
this equipment manual. This form will be com-
a. These instructions are published for the use
pleted by the individual using the manual and
of the personnel to whom the Miller Model
forwarded direct to Commanding General, U.S.
330A/B/SP Welding Machine is issued. Chap-
Army Mobility Equipment Command, ATTN:
ters 1 through 3 provide information on the op-
AMSME-MPP, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis,
eration, daily preventive maintenance services,
Mo. 63120.
and organizational maintenance of the equip-
e. Report all equipment improvement recom-
ment, accessories, components, and attachments.
mendations as prescribed by TM 38-750 (Army
Chapter 4 provides information for
direct and
Equipment Record Procedures).
general support and depot maintenance. This
manual also provides descriptions of the main
units and their functions in relationship to other
1-2. Record and
Report Forms
a. DA Form 2258 (Depreservation Guide for
b. Appendix A
contains a
list of
Vehicles and Equipment).
b. DA Form 1397 (Processing and Reprocess-
the list of basic issue items authorized for the
ing Record for Shipment, Storage, and Issue of
initial operation. Appendix C contains the main-
Vehicle and Spare Engines).
tenance allocation chart. The organizational, di-
rect and general support and depot maintenance
c. For other record and report forms applicable
repair parts lists are listed in TM-5-3431-225-
to the operator and organizational maintenance,
25P (when published).
refer to TM 38-750.
c. Numbers in parentheses on illustrations
indicate quantity,
d. DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to
DA Publication) will be used for reporting dis-
Engineers' plate, and the manufacturer's identi-
fication and data plate. The Corps of Engineers'
The Miller Model 330A/B/SP AC/DC general
plate is located on the upper right side of the
and inert gas shielded welding machine (fig.
1-1 and
1-2) is
operated from an
external power
housing near the front of the welding machine.
source of either 208, 230 or 460 volt, alternating
It specifies the nomenclature, make, model, serial
current, and by single phase or three phase con-
number, and contract number. The manufactur-
nections. This welder provides an electrically
er's identification and data plate is located on
controlled current output for use in either shield-
the upper front panel. It specifies the nomencla-
ed inert gas welding or metallic arc welding. The
ture, manufacturer, mode], serial number, second-
entire control section is located on a front panel
at the top of the welding machine.
ary rated output amperage, load voltage, duty
cycle percent, open circuit voltage, primary input
1-4. Identification and
Tabulated Data
voltage, input amperage, rated kilo-volt amper-
a. Identification. The welding machine has
age, power factor percent, and cycles.
two identification plates, which are the Corps of