TM 5-3431-207-15
"Depreservation Guide", and fastened in a conspicuous
77. Preparation of Equipment for Shipment
location on or near the operator's controls.
a. General. Detailed instruction for the preparation
of welding machine for domestic shipment are outlined
f. Sealing Openings. Openings that will permit
within this paragraph.
Preservation shall be
direct entry of water into the motor-generator shall be
accomplished in sequence that will not require the
sealed with Type III, Class I, water-proof pressure-
operation of previously preserved components.
sensitive tape conforming to Specification PPP-T-60.
b. Inspection.
The welding machine shall be
g. Basic Issue Items. Disconnected cables shall
inspected for any unusual conditions such as damage,
be coiled and packed with the basic issue items and the
rusting, accumulation of water, and/or pilferage.
publication in a suitable container. The container shall
Conduct a technical inspection as outlined in paragraph
be secured to the machine to prevent loss or pilferage.
30 "Quarterly Preventive Maintenance Services."
Refer to TM 38-230 for selection and guidance in
container fabrication.
c. Cleaning and Drying. The machine shall be
cleaned by an approved method.
Methods and
h. Marking. Marking shall be in accordance with
application of cleaning and drying procedures are
outlined in TM 38-230.
78. Loading
d. Painting. Paint all surfaces when the paint has
Fasten lifting cable to lifting eye, located top center
been removed or damaged. Refer to TB ENG 60 for
of machine, and with suitable material handling
detailed cleaning and painting instructions.
equipment lift the machine to the bed of the carrier. If
material handling equipment is not available, tow the
e. Depreservation Guide. A properly annotated DA
machine up a ramp. Secure the machine to the carrier
Form 2258 "Depreservation Guide of Engineer
with appropriate tie downs and blocking, to assure
Equipment," for each item of mechanical equipment will
carrier acceptance and safe delivery at destination.
be placed in a waterproof envelope, marked
79. Preparation of Equipment for Storage
a. General. Detailed instructions for preservation
and maintaining the machine in limited storage are
outlined in this paragraph. Limited storage is defined as
storage not to exceed 6 months. Refer to AR 743-505.
h. Weatherproofing.
Warehouse storage is
preferred for this machine. If this is not available,
position the machine on planking or other solid surface.
Cover the machine with a tarpaulin or other suitable
waterproof covering. Tie the covering securely to
assure it provides the machine adequate protection from