TM 5-3431-207-15
(3) Material which has been damaged in
6. Unloading and Unpacking Equipment
shipment should be laid to one side and
a. blocking or strapping securing welding machine
the attention of the Shipment Department
to floor of carrier.
called to it, so that proper claims may be
made against the transportation company.
b. If an overhead hoist or crane is available, place
sling around crate and lift from carrier. If the welding
b. Servicing.
machine is not crated, attach lifting cable to the lifting
eye located on top of the machine. If hoist or crane is
(1) Blow out the welder and controls with an
not available, unload crates with fork lift or slide crates
air hose at least once every two months--
down a ramp. Use a snubbing rope to avoid injury to
once every week in dirty locations --with
personnel or equipment. If machine is uncrated let it roll
low air pressure to avoid driving dirt into
down a ramp backwards, using snubbing rope to control
speed and towing arm to guide it.
c. The equipment should be carefully uncrated and
(2) Starting switches on electrically driven
all parts laid out for checking. The use of pinch bars or
machines should be inspected every six
anything which might injure the mechanism while
months. Any accumulated dirt or dust
uncrating MUST BE AVOIDED. Disassembly of the
should be brushed or blown off the
wooden crate may be accomplished by simply removing
insulating parts.
all sides very carefully. Remove the attachments which
hold the wheels and towing tongue to the sides of the
(3) Keep electrode and ground connections
d. Prepare the machine for inspection and
(4) Grease should be cleaned from the
operation as outlined on DA Form 2258, attached on or
welding machine with an approved
near the operator's control panel.
cleaning solvent.
7. Inspection and Servicing Equipment
8. Installation of Separately Packed Components
a. Inspection.
a. Remote Control.
(1) Make a general inspection of the entire
welding machine. Inspect the packing list
(1) Remove the remote control unit (fig. 6)
to insure that all items have been
from the shipping crate.
Examine the identification
plates for positive identification of the
(2) Blow off the remote control unit with a low
pressure air hose.
(2) Inspect the welding machine for damaged
(3) Place the unit in its correct position on the
or defective parts and defective electrical
connections or insulation.
extreme care when inspecting used
(4) Secure the suitcase type clips in order to
stabilize the unit.
(5) When in use, the unit is removed from its
mounting, plugged into the remote control
plug and set at the desired setting.