(74), washer (77) and drive assembly (84)
link (94), nut (95), lockwasher (96), flat
on armature shaft (72).
washer (97), and insulated washers (98, 99
(5) Hold shift lever (78) in place on
and 100) from screw (102). insulated washer
drive assembly (84) and slide armature (72)
(101) comes off after screw (102) is removed.
with bearings (73 and 74), washer (77), drive
Windings are connected together and removed
assembly (84), and shift lever into housing
as a unit after removing screw (105) and
(88). Attach assembly with screw (75) and
washer (106). Screw (102) is drawn through
washer (76). Attach shift lever (78) to hous-
center frame (108) and removed with wind-
ing (88) with shaft (81), support (83),
spring (82), washer (80), and nut (79).
(27) Dowel pin (107) is pressed into cen-
Make sure spring (82) prong fits in slot in
ter frame (108) and is not removed unless
housing provided for it before tightening nut
replacement is necessary.
(79) .
c. Cleaning. Clean studs, nuts and metal
washers; spacer (6), end bell (71) drive as-
(6) Carefully slide frame (108) over
sembly (84), housing (88) and frame (108)
armature (72) into position against housing
in solvent and dry thoroughly. Wipe off sole-
(88). Make certain dowel pin (107) seats in
noid case (46) and plunger (12) with solvent-
hole in housing (88).
dampened cloth and dry with clean, lint-free
(7) Install wick (70) and cup (69) in
cloth. Clean commutator with No. 00 sand-
end bell (71) if removed. Press bearing (68)
paper and finish cleaning with vacuum line.
into end bell if removed. Install plug (67).
d. Inspection. Inspect brushes (53), brush
(8) Press pins (62, 63, 64, 65 and 66)
into position if removed from end bell (71).
holders, windings (91, 103 and 104) and arm-
(9) Install brushholders (60) and springs
ature (72) in similar manner to that outlined
(61) on pins (63 and 65) and snap springs
for similar parts of engine generator. Inspect
(61) into place on pins (64 and 66).
surfaces of bearings (68, 74 and 87) for wear
(10) Install brushes (53) in holders (60)
and scoring. Inspect drive assembly (84) gears
attaching one end of lead (56) with screws
for wear and chipped or broken teeth and
(54) and washers (55). Attach ground lead
spring for general condition. Inspect caps on
(57) and other end of lead (56) with at-
oil cups (69 and 86) for strong spring action
and tight fit. Inspect studs (22, 27, and 34)
(11) Slide brake washer (52) on armature
for burned or otherwise damaged threads. In-
shaft (72).
spect contact disc (40) for pitted or burned
(12) Slide end bell (71) with assembled
e. Repair. Replace any parts which do not
brushes over end of armature (72). Swivel
pass inspection. If drive gear (84) must be
brushes and holders outward to enable fitting
replaced, camshaft will probably need replace-
over armature commutator.
ment also.
(13) Connect lead (56) (double end) to
f. Reassembly.
winding (103) with screw (50) and lock-
(1) Reassemble windings (91, 103, and
washer (51).
104) on pole shoes (89) and install in frame
(14) Install thru bolts (48) together with
(108) screws (90) and lead screw (105) and
washers (49).
washer (106). Place insulated washer (101)
(15) Assemble retainer washer (38), in-
on screw (102) before inserting screw through
sulated washer (39), disc (40), bushing (41),
hole in frame (108).
spring (42), flat washer (43), and retainer
(2) Assemble insulated washers (109, 99,
washer (44) on push rod disk (45). Make sure
and 98), flat washer (97), lockwasher (96),
retainer washers (38 and 44) are in grooves
nut (59), link (94), lockwasher (93), and nut
on push rod.
(92) on screw (102). Be sure to assemble
(16) Hold plunger end of case down and
parts in order indicated.
install push rod assembly. Set spring (37) and
(3) Install wick (85), cup (86) and bear-
cup (36) on disk (45). Place coil lead clip
ing (87) in housing (88) if removed.
(33) and washer (31) on stud (34) and in-
(4) Assemble bearing (73) and bearing
sert studs (22, 27, and 34) through bracket.