The instructions in this section are published
and manually move idler regulator rod from
for the information and guidance of the op-
idle to full load position to establish full range
erator to maintain the Arc Welding Machine.
of movement, then set and hold rod at ap-
clockwise until engine speed decreases or en-
gine begins to miss due to lean mixture, then
turn screw counterclockwise until engine
speeds up and runs smoothly. Release regulator
c. Set idle mixture adjusting needle for
smoothest operation of engine with engine
idling. If engine cannot be made to idle
smoothly, readjust main jet then idle mixture
jet until engine runs smoothly at idle speed
and can be suddenly advanced to full throttle,
without missing.
justing screw for an idle speed of 1000-revolu-
tions per minute (model LEB 300 only). Ad-
just models LE 300 and LEW 300 for 950
revolutions per minute.
3-10. Fuel Tank and
Strainer Service
Service fuel tank and strainer as illustrated
Replace lamps by removing lamp cover and
unscrewing lamp.
3-11. Fan
V-Belt Adjustment
occur are listed in table 3-2. Each malfunc-
This section provides information useful in
tion stated is followed by a list of probable
diagnosing and correcting unsatisfactory op-
causes of the trouble. The corrective action
eration or failure of the Arc welding machine
recommended is described opposite the prob-
and its components. Malfunctions which may
able cause.