in section II, and are to be requisi-
lowed by the manufacturer's part num-
tioned for immediate use only.
ber. This number will be used for
requisitioning purposes when no Fed-
(2) The quantities listed in table I are for
eral stock number is indicated in the
one prescribed load for a 15-day pe-
Federal Stock Number column.
riod. A minimum stockage sufficient
Example: (08645) 86453.
to repair one item and/or assembly
is authorized (e.g., if 3 belts are re-
(3) Repair part quantities included in kits,
quired, then 3 belts are allocated as
sets, and assemblies, that differ from
the min stockage). This quantity will
the actual quantity used in this speci-
be indicated in the minimum stockage
fic end item, are listed in parentheses.
authorization column. The quantities
(4) When repair parts are source coded
contained in the prescribed load must
"C", the manufacturer's part number
be on hand or on order at all times.
will be used for local procurement.
Units and organizations authorized
d. Unit of Issue. Where no abbreviation is
additional prescribed loads will multi-
shown in this column, the unit of issue is "each".
ply the number of prescribed loads by
the appropriate end item spread col-
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. The actual
umn of 15 or 610. When more than
number of parts used in the application indi-
10 equipments are authorized, multi-
cated is shown in this column. A zero (0) is
ply the quantity authorized in the 610
shown when components of kits or sets are
density spread column by the number
listed that are not applicable to this specific end
of equipments and the number of pre-
scribed loads, divide by 10, and round
f. 15-Day Organizational Maintenance Al-
to the nearest whole number.
lowance. Shown for each repair part is either
Example: If the density spread is 4,
a quantity or an asterisk ( * ) allocation which
the number of equipments is 17, and
indicates the following:
the number of prescribed loads is 1,
the following formula would be used:
(1) A quantity is shown for each repair
part authorized to be stocked as the
4 X 17 X 1 10 = 6.8
prescribed load. This quantity is based
The resulting fraction is 0.8; there-
on past experience with similar items
fore, the stockage is 7.
and the latest mortality data for 1,500
Example: If the density spread is 4,
hours operation per year. It is the
the number of equipments is 17, and
average quantity required to provide
the number of prescribed loads is 3,
organizational maintenance for 15
the following formula would be used:
and/or 610 items of equipment for a
4 X 17 X 3 10 = 20.4
15-day period under average combat
The resulting fraction is 0.4; there-
fore, the stockage is 20.
Note. Combat essential items which must be
Note. An exception is made for those units
stocked or on order at organizational mainte-
and organizations required to have on hand,
nance at all times, regardless of demand, will
boxed or packaged prescribed load(s) pursuant
be identified in the allowance column by a
to a special mission assignment. Such pre-
quantity in parentheses.
scribed load (s) will be computed or selected
Table I is the prescribed load listing
s e p a r a t e l y from quantities authorized for
of items quantitatively
stockage at permanent station.
herein and lists the combat essential
(3) Subsequent changes to allowances will
items required to support the end item
be limited as follows:
of equipment. Repair parts required
(a) No decrease in the stated quantity
t o perform organizational mainte-
of combat essential items is author-
nance, which are not authorized for
stockage, are identified by an asterisk