2. Explanation of Repair Parts, Tool lists, and Prescribed
1. General
a. This manual lists the special tools and
a. Source Codes. This column is subdivided
q u a n t i t i e s of repair parts authorized and re-
into four columns. The titles and information
q u i r e d to be stocked by organizational main-
provided in each column are as follows:
tenance echelons as their prescribed load. Re-
pair parts not authorized for stockage but
(1) Technical service. This column lists
which maybe required to perform maintenance
either the basic number of the techni-
of the equipment are listed with no quantities
cal service or code symbol of the sup-
s h o w n . Information and data shown herein
ply center assigned supply responsi-
serve as requisitioning reference material, and
bility for the part. Those spaces left
a s a guide to determine quantities of repair
blank denote Corps of Engineers sup-
parts required for stockage.
ply responsibility. General Engineer
supply parts are identified by the let-
b. Price information for stock-type repair
ters "GE" in parentheses, following
parts may be obtained from applicable Depart-
the nomenclature in the description
ment of the Army type 2-series supply manuals.
column. Other technical service basic
c. Repair parts lists are arranged as follows:
numbers or supply center code sym-
(1) Individual parts and major assemblies
bols are:
are listed alphabetically by item name
3--Chemical Corps
w i t h i n the numbered functional
9--Ordnance Corps
10--Quartermaster Corps
(2) Assembly components and subassem-
11-Signal Corps
blies are indented and listed alphabeti-
55--Transportation Corps
cally by item name under major as-
(2) Source. The selection status and source
of supply for each part are indicated
(3) Bulk material and parts peculiar with
by one of the following code symbols:
more than one application are listed
(a) P--applied to high-mortality repair
in either functional group 9501 or
parts which are stocked in or sup-
plied from the technical service de-
d. Allowances are based on 1,500 hours oper-
pot system and authorized for use at
ation per year.
indicated maintenance echelons.
e. Parts applicable to specific engines, serial
(b) P1--applied to repair parts which
number ranges, or models of this end item are
are low-mortality parts, stocked in
indicated by a letter symbol in the description
or supplied from technical service
column, following the nomenclature. The sym-
depots, and authorized for installa-
bols apply as follows:
tion at indicated maintenance eche-
(A) Applies to Hobart Welding Machine
Model GH-3153 W/Chrysler Model
(c) M--applied to repair parts which
IND5A435 Engine.
are not procured or stocked but are
t o be manufactured at indicated
(B) Applies to Hobart Welding Machine
maintenance echelons.
Model GR--3153S W/Chrysler Model
IND7A2M Engine.
(d) A--applied to assemblies which are
not procured or stocked as such but
Parts not symbolized or annotated are appli-
made up of two or more units, each
cable to all end items.