TM 5-3431-201-10
1. Dictionaries of Terms and Abbreviations
AR 320-5
Dictionary of United States Army Terms
AR 320-50
Authorized Abbreviations and Brevity Codes
2. Fire Protection
SB 5-111
Extinguisher, Fire, Monobromotrifluoromethane (CF3 Br) Charged, FSN
TM 5-687
Repairs and Utilities: Fire Protection Equipment and Appliances; Inspec-
tions, Operations, and Preventive Maintenance
TM 9-1799
Ordnance Maintenance: Fire Extinguisher
3. Lubrication
LO 5-3431-201-20
Welding Machine, Arc: Generator; Diesel Driven Single Operator; Remote
Control; 300 Amp Dc Arc; Skid Mtd: 60 Amp 20 V Min, 375 Amp at
40 V Max, Current 115 V, 3 Kw Auxiliary Power (Libby Model ODW-
300) W/GMC Engine Model 2056 Series 2-71
4. Preventive Maintenance
AR 750-5
Organization, Policies, and Responsibilities for Maintenance Operation
TB ENG 347
Winterization Technique for Engineer Equipment
TM 5-505
Maintenance of Engineer Equipment
TM 9-207
Operation and Maintenance of Ordnance Materiel in Extreme Cold
Weather (0 to -65F)
TM 9-6140-200-15
Storage Batteries: Lead-Acid Type
5. Publications Indexes
DA Pam 310-2
Index of Blank Forms
DA Pam 310-4
Index of Technical Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Supply Bulletins, Lubri-
cation Orders, and Modification Work Orders
6. Supply Publications
SM 10-1-C4-1 Petroleum, Petroleum-Base Products, and Related Material
7. Training Aids
FM 5-25
Explosive and Demolition
FM 21-5
Military Training
FM 21-6
Techniques of Military Instruction
FM 21-30
Military Symbols