TM 5-3431-201-10
55. General
Performance of any field expedient
The welding machine is equipped with a
repair creates a condition possibly
winterization heater to provide means of engine
preheating, which is necessary for starting in extreme
dangerous to the equipment or
cold. The heater will also provide 24-hour standby
personnel. A unit so repaired should
heating so that the engine can be started at any time
be taken out of service as soon as
during extremely cold conditions.
The heater is
possible for replacement of the
mounted on the skid frame at the rear of the set. The
defective parts.
heater fuel system is equipped with an electric fuel
pump that pumps filtered gasoline to the heater.
57. Fuel Tank Filter
a. Refer to figure 23 and service the fuel tank
The use of the engine heater causes
b. Perform field expedient repairs on a clogged,
a high current drain on the batteries.
unserviceable fuel filter as follows:
When the heater is being used
frequently, start and run the welder
(2) Remove the knurled screw and filters (fig. 23).
daily to keep the batteries in a
(3) Install the knurled screw, gasket, and cover (fig.
charged condition.
56. Fuel Pump
Performance of any field expedient
a. Refer to figure 22 and service the fuel pump
repair creates a condition possibly
dangerous to the equipment or
b. Perform field expedient repairs on a clogged,
personnel. A unit so repaired should
unserviceable fuel pump as follows:
be taken out of service as soon as
(1) Remove heater fuel pump cover and gasket
possible for replacement of the
defective parts.
(2) Remove screen.
(3) Install gasket and pump cover.