TM 5-6115-586-20P
1. Scope
Equipment which are procured and
This manual lists repair parts, special
because combat or military essentiality
tools, test and support equipment required for the
of the end item dictates that a minimum
performance of organizational maintenance of the power
quantity be available in the supply
Assigned to items which are NSA design
controlled unique repair parts, special
Repair parts listed represent those
tools, test, measuring, and diagnostic
authorized for use at the organizational level and will be
equipment which are stocked and
requisitioned on an "as required" basis until stockage is
supplied by the Army COMSEC Logistic
System and which are not
justified by demand in accordance with AR 710-2.
subject to the provisions of AR 380-41.
Assigned to items which are NSA design controlled special
tools, test, measuring, and diagnostic equipment
2. General
for COMSEC support which are accountable under the
provisions of AR 380-41 and which are stocked and
This Repair Parts and Special Tools List is divided into
supplied by the Army COMSEC Logistic System.
the following sections:
Repair Parts, Special Tools and Test equipment which are
not procured or stocked as such in the supply system
but are to be manufactured at indicated maintenance
repair parts authorized at the organizational level for the
performance of maintenance The list also includes parts
Assemblies which are not procured or stocked as such, but
which must be removed for replacement of the authorized
are made up of two or more units Such component
units carry individual stock numbers and descriptions, are
parts. Parts lists are composed of assembly groups in
procured and stocked separately, and can be assembled
ascending numerical sequence, with the parts in each
to form the required assembly at indicated maintenance
group listed in figure and item number sequence.
Federal Stock Number and Reference
Parts and assemblies that are not procured or stocked
because the failure rate is normally below that of the
applicable end item or component. The failure of such
sequence, of all Federal stock numbers appearing in the
part or assembly should result in retirement of the end
listings, followed by a list, in alpha-numeric sequence, of
item from the supply system.
all reference numbers appearing in the listings. Federal
Repair Parts which are not procured or stocked. The
requirement for such items will be filled by the next higher
stock number and reference numbers are cross-
assembly or component.
referenced to each illustration figure and/or item number.
Repair Parts, Special Tools and Test equipment which are
not stocked and have no foreseen mortality. The
3. Explanation of Columns
indicated maintenance level requiring such repair parts
will attempt to obtain the parts through cannibalization or
The following provides an explanation of columns found
salvage. The item may be requisitioned with exception
in the tabular lists in section II.
data, from the end item manager for immediate use.
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability Codes
Major assemblies that are procured with PEMA funds for
initial issue only as exchange assemblies at DS and GS
level. Those assemblies will not be stocked above the
Source code. Indicates the source for the
DS and GS level or returned to depot supply level.
listed items. Source codes are:
Cannibalization or salvage may be used as a
Repair Parts, Special Tools and Test
source of supply for any items source coded
Equipment supplied from GSA/DSA, or
above except those coded X1 and aircraft
Army supply system, and authorized for
support items as restricted by AR 700-42.
use at indicated maintenance levels.
Repair Parts, Special Tools and Test