CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-5-3431-213-140007Figure 11 Arc welding machine right-front, three-quarter view with shipping dimensions, Model DAR-300HFSG.Figure 1-2. Are welding machine, right-front, three-quarter view with shipping dimensions, Model 2100H2007.Figure 1-3. Arc welding machine, left rear, three-quartir view.Figure 1-4. Base plan.Figure 1-2. Practical wiring diagram, Model DAR-300HFSG.Figure 1-6. Practical wiring diagram. Model 2100H2007.Difference in Models - TM-5-3431-213-140014CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-3431-213-140015Figure 2-1. Connections, Model DAR-300HFSG.Figure 2-1-Continued.Figure 2-2. Connections, Model 2100H2007.Welder leads.Welding machine grounding instructions.Direct radiation from the weldersSection Il. MOVEMENTFigure 2-4. Controls, Model DAR-300HFSG.Figure 2-4-Continued. - TM-5-3431-213-140024Figure 2-5. Controls, Model 2100H2007.Figure 2-5-Continued.Section IV. OPERATING UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSFigure 2-6. Starting the welding machine, Model DAR-300HFSG.Figure 2-7. Starting the welding machine, Model 2100H2007.Figure 2-8. Stopping the welding machine, Model DAR- 300HFSG>Fguire 2-9. Stopping the welding machine, Model 2100H2007.Figure 2-10. Welding machine opertion, Model DAR-300HFSG.Figure 2-10-Continued.Figure 2-11. Welding machine operation, model 2100H2007.Figure 2-11-Continued.Section V. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-5-3431-213-140036CHAPTER 3 OPERATOR AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-3431-213-140037Table 3-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-5-3431-213-140038Section V. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-5-3431-213-140039Figure 3-1. Welding machine top and surounds, removal and installation.Section VII. CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTSFigure 3-2. Upper control panel components, removal and isntollation, Model DAR-300HSFG.Figure 3-3. upper control panel components, removal and installation, Model 2100H2007.Figure 3-4. Lower control panel components, removal and installation, Model DAR-300 HFSG.Figure 3-5. Lower control panel components, removal and installation, Model 2100H2007.Figure 3-6. Contactor, removal and installation.Figure 3-7. Thermostacticswitches, removal and installation.Section Vlll. SPARK GAP ASSEMBLY, VOLTAGE CHANGE TERMINALFigure 3-8. Spark gap assembly, removal, installation and adjusment.Figure 3-9. Voltage chagne terminal connecting links, removal and installation.Figure 3-10. fan, motor, and guard assembly, removal and installation.Figure 3-11. Fan, motor, and guard assembly, disassembly and reassemblyCHAPTER 4 SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGE AND DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USESection Il. DEMOLITION OF MATERIAL TO PREVENT ENEMY USE - TM-5-3431-213-140054CHAPTER 5 DIRECT SUPPORT AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 5-1. Schemastic wiring diagram, Model DAR-300HFSG.Figure 5-2. Schemastic wiring diagram, Model 2100H2037.Section Ill. REPAIR PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS, AND EQUIPMENTCHAPTER 6 REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-3431-213-140059Range and Polarity Selector SwitchesFigure 6-9. Control panel, removal and installtion, Model DAR-300HFSG.Figure 6-2. Control panel, removal and installation, Model 2100H2007.Figure 6-3. Rangeand polarity selector switches, output contro, phase shift and intensity rheostats, removal and installation, Mdel DAR-300HFSGFigure 6-4. Range and polarity selector switches, output control, pase shift, and intensity rhoeostat, removal and installation, Model 2100H2007.Figure 6-5. Relay panel assembly, removal and installation, Model DAR-300HFSG.Figure 6-6. Relay panel assembly, removal and installation, Model 2100H2007.Figure 6-7. Control rectifier, relay rectifier, control relays, and relay panel terminal board, removal and installation, Model DAR300HFSG.Figure 6-8. Control rectifier, relay rectifier, control relays, and relay panel terminal board, removal and installation, Model 2100H2007.Figure 6-9. Main power rectifier, removal and installation.Figure 6-10. Capacitors,removal and installation, Model DAR-300HFSG.Figure 6-10-Continued. - TM-5-3431-213-140071Figure 6-10-Continued. - TM-5-3431-213-140072Figure 6-11. Capcitors, removal and installation, Model 2100H2007.Figure 6-12-ContinuedFigure 6-12-Continued.Figure 6-14. Stabilizing reactor assembly,removal and installation.Figure 6-14-ContinuedFigure 6-15. Stabilizing reactor assembly and reassembly.Figure 6-16.Satarable reactor assembly, removal and instalallation.Figure 6-17. Saturable reactor assembly, disassembly and reassembly.Figure 6-18. Current transformor and shunt, removal and installation.Figure 6-18-Continued.Figure 6-19--Continued.Figure 6-20. Foot switch and output control, disassembly and reassembly, Model 2100H2007.Figure 6-21. Foot switch and cable assembly, disassembly and reassebly. Model DAR-300HFSG.Figure 6-22. Induction coil and high fregueny transformer, removal and installation.Figure 6-23. Control transformer, removal and installation.Figure 6-24. Main transformer assembly, removal and installation.Figure 6-25. Main transformer assembly, disassembly and reassembly.Figure 6-26. Machine frame, disassembly and reassembly.Figure 6-26-Continued.APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-5-3431-213-140093Section I. INTRODUCTION - TM-5-3431-213-140095Section Il. Basic Issue Items - TM-5-3431-213-140096Section I. INTRODUCTION - TM-5-3431-213-140097Section Il. Maintenance Allocation Chart - TM-5-3431-213-140098Section I. INTRODUCTION - TM-5-3431-213-140099Explanation of ColumnsSpecial Information - TM-5-3431-213-140101Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance - TM-5-3431-213-140102Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance - TM-5-3431-213-140103Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140104Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140105Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140106Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140107Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140108Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140109Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140110Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140111Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140112Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140113Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140114Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140115Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140116Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140117Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140118Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140119Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140120Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140121Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140122Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140123Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140124Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140125Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140126Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140127Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140128Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140129Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140130Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140131Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140132Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140133Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140134Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140135Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140136Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140137Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140138Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140139Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140140Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140141Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140142Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140143Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140144Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140145Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140146Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140147Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140148Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140149Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140150Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140151Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140152Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140153Section Il. Prescribed Load Allowance cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140154Section VII. INDEX - FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS-REFERENCE TO INDEX NUMBER - TM-5-3431-213-140155Section VII. INDEX - FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS-REFERENCE TO INDEX NUMBER - TM-5-3431-213-140156Section VII. INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS-REFERENCE TO INDEX NUMBER - TM-5-3431-213-140157Section VII. INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS-REFERENCE TO INDEX NUMBER - TM-5-3431-213-140158Section VII. INDEX- FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS-REFERENCE TO INDEX NUMBERSection VII. INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS-REFERENCE TO INDEX NUMBERSection VII. INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS-REFERENCE TO INDEX NUMBER - TM-5-3431-213-140161Section VII. NDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS-REFERENCE TO INDEX NUMBERFIGURE NO. D-1 STRUCTURAL COMPONENTSFIGURE NO. D-2 FAN AND MOTORFIGURE NO. D-3 CONTROL PANELFIGURE NO. D-4 CONTROL PANELFIGURE NO. D-5 FOOT SWlTCHFIGURE NO. D-6 FOOT SWITCH OUTPUT CONTROLFIGURE NO.D-7 RELAY PANELFIGURE NO. D-8 REMOTE CONTROL RHEOSTATFIGURE NO. D-9 TIME WELO KITFIGURE NO. D-10 REACTORS AND CONTACTORSFIGURE NO.D-11 MAIN TRANSFORMERFIGURE NO. D-12 MAIN RECTIFIER AND HIGH FREQUENCY COMPONENTSINDEX - TM-5-3431-213-140175INDEX cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140176INDEX cont. - TM-5-3431-213-140177TM-5-3431-213-14 Welding Machine ARC: General and Inert Gas Shielded Transformer-Rectifier Type AC and DC; 300 Ampere Rating at 60% Duty Cycle Manual