OPERATOR, ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE MANUAL - TM-5-3431-205-150001SAFETY PRECAUTIONS - TM-5-3431-205-150002Operator, Organizational, DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance Manual Operator, Organizationl, Direct and General Support and Depot Maintenance ManualSection 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-5-3431-205-150006OPERATOR, ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE MANUAL - TM-5-3431-205-150009OPERATOR, ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE MANUAL cont.CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-5-3431-205-150011Figure 1-1. Welding machine, three- quarter view (Model LF 300).Figure 1-1- Continued.Figure 1-2. Welding machine, right front. three-quarter view (Model LEW 300).Figure 1-2- Continued.Figure 13. Welding machine, three-quarter view (Model LEB 30 J).Figure 1-3-ContinuedFigure 1-4. Wiring diagram.Difference in Models - TM-5-3431-205-150019Figure 1-4-Continued.CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONTable 2-1. Freezing Points, Composition, and Specific Gravities of Military Antifreeze MaterialsSection II. MOVEMENT TO A NEW WORKSITE - TM-5-3431-205-150023fIGURE 2-1. Welding cables and remote control.Figure 2-2. Controls and instruments (Model LE 300)Figure 2-2 -- Continued.Figure 2-3. Control and instruments (Model LEW 300).Figure 2-3-Continued.Figure 2-4. Controls and intruments (Model LEB 330).Figure 2-4-Continued. - TM-5-3431-205-150030Section IV. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-5-3431-205-150031Figure 2-5. Engine starting instructionsSection V. OPERATION UNDER UNUSAL CONDITIONSFigure 2-7. Operating instructions. Stopping Engine in Extreme ColdSection VI. OPERATION OF AUXILIARY MATERIAL USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH WELDING MACHINEFigure 2-8. Coolant heater operation (Model LEW 300).CHAPTER 3 O P E R A T O R AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-3431-205-150038Figure 3-1. Lubrication order.Figure 3-1-Continued.Figure 3-1. Oil filter service.Figure 3-3. Air eleaner service.Table 3-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-5-3431-205-150043Section IV. OPERATOR MAINTENANCEFigure 3-5. Fuel tank and strainer service.Figure 3-1. Fan V-belt adjustment.Figure 3-7. Carburetor adjusment.Table 3-2. TroubleshootingTable 3-2. Troubleshooting-ContinuedSection VIII. DOORS AND PANELSFigure 3-8. Doors and panel, removal and installation.Figure 3-9. Fuel tank and shut-off valve. removal and installation.Figure 3-12. Fuel pump, removal and installation.Figure 3-14. Engine speed governor, removal and installation.Figure 3-15. Fuel filter removal and installation.Figure 3-16. Battery, removal and installation (Model LEB 300 and LEW 300).Figure 3-17. Magneto removal and installation.Figure 3-18. Starter removal and installation.Figure 3-20. Spark plugs and lead removal and installation.Figure 3-21. Generator assembly and mounting bracket, removal and installation.Figure 3-23. Voltage regulator adjustment.Figure 3-24. Radiator, removal and installation.Figure 3-27. Water pump and fan assembly, removal and installation. Igniter AssemblyFigure 3-28. Coolant heater removal and installation.Section XIII. ENGINE LUBRICATING SYSTEMSection XIV. EXHAUST SYSTEMFigure 3-32. Cylinder head, removal and installation.Figure 3-34. Valve tappet cover removal and installation.Figure 3-36. Generator end cover, removal and installation.CHAPTER 4 SHIPMENT, LIMITED STORAGE, AND DEMOLITIONSection Il. DEMOLITION OF THE WELDING MACHINE TO PREVENT ENEMY USEDemolition by Explosives or WeaponsCHAPTER 5 DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT MAINTENANCETable 5-1 Engine Repair Data, Model LE 300Table 5-1 Engine Repair Data, Model LE 300-Continued - TM-5-3431-205-150076Table 5-1 Engine Repair Data, Model LE 300-Continued - TM-5-3431-205-150077Table 5-1 . Engine Repair Data, Model LEW 300-ContinuedTable 5-1 Engine Repair Data, Model LEW 300-ContinuedTable 5-1 Engine Repair Data, Model LEB 300Table 5-1 Engine Repair Data, Model LEB 300-Continued - TM-5-3431-205-150081Table 5-1 Engine Repair Data, Model LEB 300-Continued - TM-5-3431-205-150082Table 5-2. Troubleshooting-Continued - TM-5-3431-205-150083Table 5-2. Troubleshooting-Continued - TM-5-3431-205-150084Section V. RADIO INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSIONCHAPTER 6 REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-3431-205-150086REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS cont.Figure 6-1. Governor, assembly and disassembly.Figure 6-2. Fuel tank, assembly and disassembly.Section Il. ENGINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMSection Il. ENGINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM cont.Figure 6-3. Battery charging generator, assembly and disassembly.Figure 6-4. Starter, assembly and disasembly (Model LEB 300).Figure 6-5. Solenoid, asembly and disassembly (Model LEB 300).Figure 6-6. Starterand solenoid, assembly and disassembly (Models LE 300 and LEW 300).Figure 6-5. Solenoid, asembly and disassembly (Model LEB 300). cont. - TM-5-3431-205-150096Figure 6-5. Solenoid, asembly and disassembly (Model LEB 300). cont. - TM-5-3431-205-150097Figure 6-5. Solenoid, asembly and disassembly (Model LEB 300). cont. - TM-5-3431-205-150098Figure 6-5. Solenoid, asembly and disassembly (Model LEB 300). cont. - TM-5-3431-205-150099Figure 6-5. Solenoid, asembly and disassembly (Model LEB 300). cont. - TM-5-3431-205-150100Figure 6-7. Magneto, assembly and disassembly.Figure 6-8. Engine idler regulator, assembly and disassembly.Section Ill. COOLING SYSTEMSection Ill. COOLING SYSTEM cont.Figure 6-9. Oil pump, assembly and disassembly.Figure 6-10. Checking oil pump gear.Figure 6-11. Crankshaft, flywheel, and piston assembly, assembly and disassembly.Figure 6-12. Appearance of good bearing after wear.Figure 6-17. Checking main bearing clearance.Figure 6-19. Checking alignment of piston.Figure 6-22. Checking crankshaft and camshaft gearFigure 6-23. Camshaft and valve, assembly and disassembly.Figure 6-24. Allowable head thickness of refacedFigure 6-27. Installing exhaust valve insert.Figure 6-32. Valve position in block.Figure 6-32. Valve position in block. cont.Figure 6-34. Cylinder and crankcase, assembly and disassembly.Figure 6-34. Cylinder and crankcase, assembly and disassembly. cont.Figure 6-34-Continued. - TM-5-3431-205-150119Figure 6-34-Continued. - TM-5-3431-205-150120Figure 6-34-Continued. - TM-5-3431-205-150121Figure 6-34-Continued. - TM-5-3431-205-150122Figure 6-35. Installing jute seal in rear guard.Figure 6-38. Oil pressuure relief valve, exploded view.Figure 6-38. Oil pressuure relief valve, exploded view. cont.Figure 6-39. Welding generator, assembly and disassembly.Section VI. CONTROL PANELFigure 6-40. Control panel, assembly and disassembly.Figure 6-41. Current control, assembly and disassembly.Section VIl. ENCLOSURE (Model LEB 300) - TM-5-3431-205-150130Section VIl. ENCLOSURE (Model LEB 300) - TM-5-3431-205-150131Figure 6-42. Enclosure, assembly and disassembly.Figure 6-42. Enclosure, assembly and disassembly. cont. - TM-5-3431-205-150133Figure 6-42. Enclosure, assembly and disassembly. cont. - TM-5-3431-205-150134Figure 6-43. Enclosure, aseembly and disassembly.Figure 6-44. Battery box, assembly and disassembly.Section VllI. COOLANT HEATER (Model LEW 300)Figure 6-45. Coolant heater, assembly and disassembly.Figure 6-45. Coolant heater, assembly and disassembly. cont.Figure 6-46. Blower, assembly and disassembly.APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-5-3431-205-150141APPENDIX B BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - TM-5-3431-205-150142Section I. INTRODUCTION - TM-5-3431-205-150143Section I. INTRODUCTION cont. - TM-5-3431-205-150144Section 11. BESIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTSection 111. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING SUPPLIES - TM-5-3431-205-150146APPENDIX C MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-3431-205-150147Section I. INTRODUCTION - TM-5-3431-205-150148Section Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-3431-205-150149Section Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-3431-205-150150Section Ill. MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONSINDEX - TM-5-3431-205-150152INDEX cont. - TM-5-3431-205-150153Figure 1-4 Continued (Model LEW 300).TM-5-3431-205-15 Welding Machine ARC Generator Gasoline Engine Driven 300 AMP DC (Libby Model LE 300) (Libby Model LEW-300) (Libby Model LEB-300) Manual