OPERATOR, ORGANIZATIONAL FIELD, AND DEPOT MAINTENAN CEMANUALSAFETY PRECAUTIONS - TM-5-3431-200-150002Section 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-5-3431-200-150003Section 111. ITEMS TROOP INSTALLED OR AUTHORIZED LISTTECHNICAL MANUALPREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICES DAILYFigure 8. (Superseded Daily preventive maintenance services.PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICESPREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICES cont.Operator, Organizational, Field, and Depot Maintenance ManualCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-5-3431-200-150011Figure 1. Welding set, right front view , with shipping dimensions.Figure 2. Welding set, left rear, three-quarter view.Figure 2. Welding set, left rear, three-quarter view. cont.CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONSFigure 4. Welding gun, loading intructions.Figure 5. Controls and instrumentsSection IV. OPERATION OF EQUIPMENT - TM-5-3431-200-150018Figure 6. Welding set, sssstarting and operating instructions.Figure 7. Welding set, stopping instructions.CHAPTER 3 O P E R A T O R AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-3431-200-150021Figure 8. Operators daily services.Figure 8 - Continued. - TM-5-3431-200-150023Figure 8 - Continued. - TM-5-3431-200-150024Figure 8 - Continued. - TM-5-3431-200-150025Figure 8 - Continued. - TM-5-3431-200-150026Section III. OPERATOR'S MAINTENANCEFigure 9. Welding gun, sevice.Figure 10. Argon gas regolator, adjustment, remuval and instollation.Section V. FIELD EXPEDIENT REPAIRS - TM-5-3431-200-150030Section VI. ARGON GAS SYSTEMFigure 11. Hose assembly, solenoid valve, and gas pipe, removal and installation.Section VII. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMFigure 18.-Contineud.Figure 13. Welding wire feed control rheostat resistor, and fuse holders, removal and installation.Figure 14. cntractor, removal and installation.Figure 15. Current relay, capacitor, and receptcle, removal and installation. Figure 16. Control panel assembly. removal and installation. - TM-5-3431-200-150038Figure 16. Control panel assembly. removal and installation. - TM-5-3431-200-150039Section VIII. WELDING GUNFigure 17. cover, shied, fitting assembly,swing arm, and current cable, removal and installation. Figure 18. Nozzel,adapder, guide tube, gun barrel, and inssulation, removal and installation.CHAPTER 4 DEMOLITION OF WELDING SET TO PREVENT ENEMY USECHAPTER 5 SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGESection I. SHIPMENT WITHIN ZONE OF INTERIORCHAPTER 6 FIELD AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 19. Schematic wiring diagram.Table I. Time Standards-ContinuedSection V. CONTACTOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 20. Contactor, diassembly and reassembly.Figure 21. Gun handle assembly, motor, drive roll, control cable, inching switch, trigger switch, capacitor, and bracket, disassembly and reassembly.Cleaning, Inspection and Repair. - TM-5-3431-200-150052APPENDIX I REFERENCESA P P E N D I X II MAINTENANCE ALLOCATIONSection Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATIONSection Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION cont.A P P E N D I X III B A S I C ISSUE ITEMSSection Il. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS - TM-5-3431-200-150058Section Il. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS cont.INDEX - TM-5-3431-200-150060INDEX cont. - TM-5-3431-200-150061INDEX cont. - TM-5-3431-200-150062INDEX cont. - TM-5-3431-200-150063INDEX cont. - TM-5-3431-200-150064INDEX cont. - TM-5-3431-200-150065INDEX cont. - TM-5-3431-200-150066INDEX cont. - TM-5-3431-200-150067INDEX cont. - TM-5-3431-200-150068INDEX cont. - TM-5-3431-200-150069INDEX cont. - TM-5-3431-200-150070TM-5-3431-200-15 Welding Set ARC Inert Gas Shielded: Plastic or Metal Lined Gun; For 3/64 In. Wire; DC 115V FSN 3431-879-9709 Manual