TM 1-1500-204-23-8
2-2 Change 1
Safety devices, such as guards, interlocks,
automatic releases, and stops, shall always be kept in
operating condition.
Ensure that all unauthorized personnel are
clear of area before opening valves or energizing electri-
cal circuits for starting machinery.
Suitable mechanical guards, such as enclo-
sures or barricades, shall be permanently installed on all
machinery not already equipped with such to eliminate
danger of injury from moving parts.
Machinery shall not be adjusted, repaired,
oiled, or cleaned while machine is in operation or power
is on.
Personnel operating machinery shall wear
protective clothing as prescribed. A protective face shield
or goggles shall be worn when operating a grinder
regardless of whether grinder is equipped with attached
Jewelry shall not be worn while performing
any maintenance.
d. Fire Safety. A constant vigilance must be main-
tained to seek out fire hazards. Fire hazards are
constantly present in the shop where sparks, friction, or
careless handling can cause an explosion that may
destroy equipment or buildings, and injure or kill person-
nel. Refer to AR 385-10, The Army Safety Program and
the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1971. The
following fire safety practices shall be observed:
NO SMOKING signs shall be placed in
areas where smoking could create a fire hazard.
Personnel shall be trained in the use, knowl-
edge, and location of shop fire fighting equipment.
Each shop shall be equipped with fire extin-
guishers suited for type fire most likely to occur.
Use correct fire extinguisher for class of fire
as follows:
Class A fire (wood, paper, trash, etc). Use water
or soda-acid fire extinguisher.
Class B fire (oil, paint, fuel, grease, etc). Use dry
chemical or CO2 if available.
Class C fire (electrical equipment). Use dry
chemical or CO2 if available.
Class D fire (combustible metals) magnesium,
titanium, zirconium, sodium, lithium, and potas-
sium. Use dry powder type fire extinguisher.
Oily waste, rags, and similar combustible
materials shall be discarded in self-closing metal con-
tainers which shall be emptied daily.
Flammable materials shall not be stored in
the shop.
Use only approved cleaning solvents.
2-3. Machine Safety Precautions. The information in
the following paragraphs does not give specific proce-
dures for operation of various type machinery found in
the machine shop, but does include safety measures and
general practices involved in the use of machines. For
information on operation and service of specific machin-
ery, refer to the applicable operation and service instruc-
tions manual.
a. Drilling Machines. Use drilling machines for
reaming, boring, facing, and similar operations. The fol-
lowing safety precautions shall be followed when using
drilling machines:
Clamp work securely so that work will not move.
Do not permit spindle (rotating shaft with chuck
attached) to feed beyond its limit of travel when
Use a bit with the flute ground slightly flat when
drilling brass or bronze.
Stop machine prior to attempting to adjust work
that has become jammed.
b. Grinding Machines. Use grinding machines for
sharpening tools, dressing metal, and other functions
requiring removal of small amounts of metal. The follow-
ing safety precautions shall be followed when using
grinding machines:
Wear goggles regardless of whether or not
machine is equipped with a transparent shield.